Mrzi me ze jsem na tohle video meho oblibeneho neurologa nenarazil kdyz jsem tu pred casem prezentoval svoje nazory.
Prakvapilo me (a zaroven i uklidnilo), ze i Ramachandran se samozrejmosti vidi naprosto zasadni rozdil mezi vedomim cloveka a (jednoducheho) zvirete. Nektere z nasledujicich bodu myslim vystiznymi slovy odbornika lepe popisuji neco z toho co jsem se snazil vyjadrit:
"..for understanding the logic of consciousness it should not be perceived as a quality of a scale.."
"..Qualia and self interconnected, intimately linked to language"
4.00 - "Fruit fly creates a representation of the apple ... but has no qualia/awareness of the apple"
(misto zizaly mluvi o mouse, ale stavi na stejne odvaznych presumpcich mousiny nevedomosti za ktere jsem tu byl pranyrovan:-)
4.45 - "For you however ... potentially infinite qualia implications"
5.55 - "Specific, fairly circumscribed brain strctures required for qualia"
6.43 - "You may only see some rudiments of this in great apes"
7.00 - "..angular and infratemporal gyrus, Wernicke's area ... generating sense of self and future planning"
7.47 - "at some point in evolution started creating matter representations (representation of the representation) ... instead of simple sensory representations like the fruit fly ... intimately related to meaning, generated in angular gyrus etc ... leading to emergence of dual property of qualia and self, which I think is UNIQUE TO HUMANS"
Tak to jen pro zajimavost. Nikdo nerika ze ma pravdu, ale nedalo mi se o to nepodelit. Uz proto, ze jinymi slovy vystihnul prave ten prah vedomi o kterem jsem mluvil, jen na to moje vyjadrovaci schopnosti nejak nestacily:-)