ECLECTICA: tak jasně, pokud si to nepřečtu na nějaký pyramidě, můžu říci, že si 2012 někdo vymyslel...
mě třeba donedávna přitahovalo galaktické zárovnání ale.....
In fact there is an alignment between the Sun and the Galactic Equator at the time of Winter Solstice, but it has already happened. It happened back in 1997 [21st December 1997 AD 14h 43m GMT]. So, if the Maya did go through the sequence of the argument given above, their astrological predictions were out by some 15 years. [Which actually would be pretty good, seeing as they didn't have computers or astrological software to help them.]
So the good news is if you were in any way worried about what might astrologically happen in 2012, don't worry: it already happened back in 1997