Ve středu proběhne v Salé (Orebitská 14, Praha 3) otevřená schůzka k založení / realizaci nového svépomocného sociálně-vzdělávacího centra, tzv. atenea. Zde je pozvánka: (vzhledem k tomu, že kolektiv, který by měl ateneum spravovat bude mezinárodní, tak je pozvánka v angličtině. šiřte dál)
Nowadays the education system and knowledge management system is being threatened by two hazardous tendencies; the constant commercialization of knowledge and the standardization of study plans that the several knowledge
institutions present in our society are applying. As a result of this, knowledge is becoming a luxury not everyone can pay for, and that is not articulated following the interests of the students but the demands of the labor market.This problematic, summed up with the growing dispossession of the production means end up resulting in a future of dramatic consequences: a life of subservience and dependence on the market and its key players.
This project blossoms from the need of giving an active response to these problematics. Assembly Athenaeum will work creating a compendium of workshops, talks and cultural activities related to self organization.