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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: to prece nestojí v protikladu, to snizovaní spotreby “prumyslového” masa a zvysování spotreby volně pasoucího se. celkově by se spotreba měla snižovat a struktura promeňovat ve prospech ukladani co2 do pudy, zvyseni zamestnanosti (v zemedelstvi!?!) a kvality pudy.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: nazor ma slozitejsi, o holistic grazing ani zminka, tezko rict proc nadace teda koupila ty triliony hektaru v USA? :)

    Q: In the book you cover a broad array of hard-to-solve sectors. The one I still have the hardest time with, in terms of fully addressing it, is food. The scale is massive. We’ve barely begun. We fundamentally don’t have replacements that completely eliminate the highly potent emissions from burping livestock and fertilizer. How hopeful are you about agriculture?

    A: There are [companies], including one in the [Breakthrough Energy Ventures] portfolio called Pivot Bio, that significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer you need. There are advances in seeds, including seeds that do what legumes do: that is, they’re able to [convert nitrogen in the soil into compounds that plants can use] biologically. But the ability to improve photosynthesis and to improve nitrogen fixation is one of the most underinvested things.

    In terms of livestock, it’s very difficult. There are all the things where they feed them different food, like there’s this one compound that gives you a 20% reduction [in methane emissions]. But sadly, those bacteria [in their digestive system that produce methane] are a necessary part of breaking down the grass. And so I don’t know if there’ll be some natural approach there. I’m afraid the synthetic [protein alternatives like plant-based burgers] will be required for at least the beef thing.

    Now the people like Memphis Meats who do it at a cellular level—I don’t know that that will ever be economical. But Impossible and Beyond have a road map, a quality road map and a cost road map, that makes them totally competitive.

    As for scale today, they don’t represent 1% of the meat in the world, but they’re on their way. And Breakthrough Energy has four different investments in this space for making the ingredients very efficiently. So yeah, this is the one area where my optimism five years ago would have made this, steel, and cement the three hardest.

    Now I’ve said I can actually see a path. But you’re right that saying to people, “You can’t have cows anymore”—talk about a politically unpopular approach to things.

    Q: Do you think plant-based and lab-grown meats could be the full solution to the protein problem globally, even in poor nations? Or do you think it’s going to be some fraction because of the things you’re talking about, the cultural love of a hamburger and the way livestock is so central to economies around the world?

    A: For Africa and other poor countries, we’ll have to use animal genetics to dramatically raise the amount of beef per emissions for them. Weirdly, the US livestock, because they’re so productive, the emissions per pound of beef are dramatically less than emissions per pound in Africa. And as part of the [Bill and Melinda Gates] Foundation’s work, we’re taking the benefit of the African livestock, which means they can survive in heat, and crossing in the monstrous productivity both on the meat side and the milk side of the elite US beef lines.

    So no, I don’t think the poorest 80 countries will be eating synthetic meat. I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.

    So for meat in the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible. But it’s one of those ones where, wow, you have to track it every year and see, and the politics [are challenging]. There are all these bills that say it’s got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They don’t want us to use the beef label.

    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jinak tedy zde gatesova nova kniha https://www.gatesnotes.com/Energy/My-new-climate-book-is-finally-here

    zde rady

    As a Citizen

    Make calls, write letters, attend town halls
    Look locally as well as nationally
    Run for office

    As a Consumer

    Sign up for a green pricing program with your electric utility
    Reduce your home’s emissions
    Buy an electric vehicle
    Try a plant-based burger

    I spend about $5 million every year to offset my family’s carbon footprint. As of now, the standard calculation for carbon footprints is based on an estimate of $400 per ton of emissions. But since the way we calculate carbon footprints is still in its infancy, I take our family’s carbon footprint and double it to make sure we are fully covering our footprint and then some.


    my top priority: We need to lower the Green Premiums

    When I talk to presidents and prime ministers about their countries’ plans to fight climate change, I always urge them to focus their innovation efforts on the biggest Green Premiums. Lowering those premiums is going to take time, so we need to accelerate work on them right away. It’s tempting to focus on low-hanging fruit—like switching to electric vehicles—and we should. But easy wins aren’t enough if we’re going to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. We need to work on the hard parts too, like cement and steel.

    So, how exactly do we lower the Green Premiums? There are two levers that governments can pull: reduce the cost of zero-carbon alternatives or charge for the hidden costs of pollution. Ideally, any plan to address climate change does both.

    Home | Bill Gates
    SEJDA --- ---
    JINDRICH: Chvili jsem se bal, ze Pravo a Novinky.cz nejsou to same ..
    Vítr a slunce v EU poprvé porazily uhlí - Novinky.cz
    JINDRICH --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    #trochu asi kecy

    premyslela jsem o tom, jakej vliv na stabilizaci ekosystemu maji povahy zucastnenych miliardaru.

    ENTJ Bill Gates

    - myslel jsem si, ze staci vynalezt vakcinu proti malarii a nekdo uz poresi nasazeni. vubec. politicke problemy s tamnimi vladami jsou to nejhorsi. musim to resit, i kdyz to nesnasim. muj pristup je najit genialniho vedce a zaplatit jeho startup. ale to nestaci. musime resit ty vlady a politiku, bez toho to nejde :-(

    ENTJ = nejdulezitejsi je ten accomplishment. udelaji cokoliv, co je potreba

    INTJ Ellon Musk

    - nejdulezitejsi je vize, inner calling. od puberty resim elektricky auta, musim je resit. nebo me popadne stiha kolem AI, tak to musim resit. jdu sam, sam, dal a dal pres mrtvoly, proste musim delat to, co musim delat. politice nerozumim, takze mam svedomi cisty ze ji nijak neresim

    INTJ - coldest humans, arrogant, aloof, or haughty, but in fact, INTJ's just don't give a shit


    je mi jich trochu lito, ze at delaji malo nebo moc, porad jsou za nejvetsi idioty, protoze by to meli delat nejak jinak. no nic, pointu nemam. drzim jim palce

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: "byt si jich vedom a vyuzivat je ve svuj prospech" - ano

    imo ty uz resis pokrocile situace, kdy lidi chapou klima a ted co ted s tim. versus zatim majorita lidi v pozici "mam z toho klimatu neurcitej blbej pocit nekde v zadech, ano hodne se o tom mluvi... ano melo byt se s tim neco delat, .. asi to neni tak zly jinak by se s tim neco uz delalo prece.. mela by s tim vlada neco delat" kde ve vedomi prevlada "me se to netyka, nemuzu s tim nic delat, pojdme si pustit serial". a ten vyzkum imo rika, ze pokud na tebe dopadne anxiety, mene casto to vede k akci. kdyz na tebe dopadne nasranost, casteji to vede k akci. vyzkum ani nerika co s tim mas delat

    analogie domaci nasili nebo jiny zneuzivani. dokud si nereknes, ze to, ze te nekdo nekonsensualne omrdava te opravdu sere, je nejaka sance odejit do nejistoty zmeny?
    rozumim tomu jak rikas ze jsme v tom vsichni spolu. ale ty duvody pro anger docela jsou (trilliony nevypnutelnych agro a fosil dotaci, carbon tax "politicky neproveditelna", mrtvi a diskreditovani aktivisti, ...)

    podle me mame shodu, viz vyse, "byt si jich vedom a vyuzivat je ve svuj prospech"

    zacal jsi vetou jestli ma vyzkum i nejaky konstruktivni reseni nebo jen horsi a horsi, imo tvuj automatickej bias proti energii emoci
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: Takovych prikladu budou plna ta data. Ja se ted jdu zdrave nasrat, abych jeste neco uzitecnyho dneska nakodil.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: fajn, jsem rad, ze jsme dosli az sem.

    pokud vztekem vyprovokovana akce neni zaroven i vztekem provedena, pak se bavime o racionalni akci/diskuzi oprostenou o emoce.

    tedy to co celou dobu rikam. pak nezalezi na tom, na jake emoci si zacal, dulezita je jeji akceptace a nenechat se ji dal pohlcovat

    btw. dokazes dat nejaky priklad, jak si predstavujes vztekem vyprovokovat ostatni ke klimaticke akci/uvedomneni?
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jo to zni nadejne... a nadeje umira posledni ,)
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: Kam az budes ochotny natahovat diskusi, aby sis obhajil spravnost svoji vize?

    Jsou to VSECHNA reseni ktera nalezi tem, kdo se pro reseni rozhodli. Pro kazdeho je jeho akce jeho resenim. Jsi snad diktator, abys vsem vnucoval spravne reseni? Vytahni si uz ty spunty z usi, a sundej zrcadlo z monitoru.

    Pokud te tvuj sales-vztek ze malo prodavas pohne k sales-akci, treba te, ze budes "vic nosit zlutou", ktera zvysi sales ... Je to spatne pouziti sales-vzteku?

    Proc pro tebe (a asi hlavne pro tebe) musi byt vztekem vyprovokovana akce taky vztekem provedena? Protoze si to jinak neumis predstavit? Chci ti pomoct...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: dopracovala jsem se od pozice jak bude blby az se dojde pres stale nove mutace a nereagujici vakciny k tomu, ze fakt je potreba delat #zerocovid opatreni a nektera uzemi to daji, zatimco CR neodvratne zustane na blbe strane tech zdi ...
    ... k pozici, ze teoreticky to muze byt pro klima dobry, protoze uzemi ktery bude chtit zvladnout #zerocovid, fakt uz nutne musi zacit naslouchat vedcum, inzenyrum, totalne zapojit technologie, socialni praci, prerozdelovani, obetave politiky ... a az zvladnou #zerocovid, snad ta infrastruktura spolecenska pomuze i na #under2degrees
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: jaky osobni emoce pletu?

    vzhledem k tomu, ze linkovana studie ma nadpis "Differential impacts of eco-anxiety, eco-depression, and eco-anger on climate action and wellbeing" a abstract je s tim v souladu, neni to uroven VSECH reseni, ktere ty zminujes.

    a to je to co jsem chtel zduraznit, a rekl jsem uz na zacatku "porovnani horsiho s horsim".

    to co rikam prece neni nic "meho". to ze se lovci sberaci ridili v diskuzich vic svymi emcoemi, nez rozumem, je fakt dolozeny ve spouste knizek. nebo se snazis vyvratit, ze je vhodnejsi pro oragnizovane plneni cilu na urovni lidstva jednat emocionalne? navic ja nerikam, ze bychom k reseni nedosli skrze emoce, co tvrdim a psal sem niz je, ze resit problemy emocionalne je suboptimalni a neni efektivni. shodneme se alespon na tomhle?

    stejne tak v businessu se emoce odlozi na urvoni nejake neformalni diskuze dopredu a pak se proste jedou fakta a racionalizovane uvahy. do smlouvy emoce, dojmy a pocity nepatri.

    na uplne nejjednodussim prikladu, predstav si, ze zavolas do firmy a nekdo by se tam svuj problem s tvym neporozumnenim snazil resit vztekem. dosli byste nejakemu zaveru?

    ja nerikam, ze vztek nema sve misto, ani nerikam, ze na urovni jednotlivce nepomuze s vyrvonanim se s nejakou situaci. co ale rikam je, ze globalni problem nevyresime vztekem. a ze existuji efektivnejsi formy, jak tohle lidstvo spolecne mobilizovat

    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: No dovol, to snad rikaji podepsani vedci a australska data, proc do toho pletes nejaky osobni emoce? :)

    Studie rika je vetsi pravdepodobnost, ze s tim neco pujdes udelat, at individualne, nebo ve skupine. Zaroven to zlepsi tvoje spatne pocity.

    Ty rikas ze je to pravdive, a hned mas pred sebou nejake reseni, protoze ho vzapeti hodnotis jako neandrtalske. Ja mam na mysli vsechna reseni.

    Jako bonus to vysvetlim jeste jednou, at mam naskok: Mas na mysli nejake reseni ktere jasne plyne z eco-vzteku, a je spatne. Ale je to tvoje reseni vylihle jen ve tvoji hlave. Vzapeti ho nacpes do hlav vsech co diky eko-vzteku dosli k nejakemu jejich reseni.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: vidis a me to prijde naopak

    ty rikas, ze vztek je dobry, aby se zacalo neco resit " je vetsi pravdepodobnost, ze s tim neco pujdes udelat, at individualne, nebo ve skupine. Zaroven to zlepsi tvoje spatne pocity."

    a ja rikam, ze tohle je sice pravdive, ale hrozne nebezpecne zjednoduseni. a vysvetlil jsem proc
    TADEAS --- ---
    #perspective .)

    Bill Gates: Solving Covid easy compared with climate

    Solving climate change would be "the most amazing thing humanity has ever done", says the billionaire founder of Microsoft.

    By comparison, ending the pandemic is "very, very easy", he claims.
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: ani si neprecetl co ti pisu, a porad si meles svou. OK, rozumim.
    TADEAS --- ---
    biosfericka valka, politika jidla.

    pro mestske populace hure srozumitelne. fskutecnosti jde o kontrolu ekosystemu (kym, pro koho, jakymi praktikami?).

    bohuzel, vege-lidi tu sedaj na lep ty hruby korporatni masinerii :)

    Frederic Leroy

    Most have heard of @wef's 2021 #TheGreatReset or its earlier 2012 #GreatTransformation. Many are aware of #EATLancet's #GreatFoodTransformation. Few know #Tellus' #GreatTransition or #WBGU's #GreatTransformation. The similarities of the names aren't coincidental. All go back to an interrelated network of organizations, many of which were shaped by Maurice Strong in the '70-'90s. Strong was an oil businessman, New Ager, Rockefeller asset & UN protagonist. #TheGreatReset & its dietary part #TheGreatFoodTransformation are part of his legacy.

    Today, the post-Strong Great Transition/Transformation network is being mobilized for the UN #FoodSystems Summit. The aim: to change dietary policies worldwide. In addition, "vegan tech" (lab-grown foods) has joined the club, $$$-fueled by #SiliconValley investors (& others). Today, the post-Strong Great Transition/Transformation network is being mobilized for the UN #FoodSystems Summit. The aim: to change dietary policies worldwide. In addition, "vegan tech" (lab-grown foods) has joined the club, $$$-fueled by #SiliconValley investors (& others). The policies coming from this Summit likely will be *highly* interventionist, as the #GreatFoodTransformation is an authoritarian one.

    It has come to the following: a strategic partnership between the @UN and the transnational corporate elites of Davos' @wef. Maurice Strong would have loved it! What could go wrong? The "Big Plan for a Small Planet" (& its zillion versions of public-private partnerships) is ready to take off in 2021.


    Presenting JUNK FOOD as a way to save the planet in the face of a massive fossil fuel challenge, & the fact that it is presented as such by academics, journalists, & even the UN, is going to be seen as one of the biggest absurdities of the early 21st century
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dovolim si jednu citaci. fear is the power of the dark side, fear leads to hate, hate leads to suffering .)

    vztek totiz mozna posune tebe a uvede te do akce, ale skrze obvinovani "tech ostatnich", kteri se budou nevyhnutelne branit. a ty sam klimatickej problem nevyresis, protoze "oni" jsou take soucasti problemu, resp. i jeho reseni
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: tohle je nezavisle na "eco". je to obecne lidske chovani, tahle studie nic noveho do psychologie, nebo teorie reseni problemu neprinasi

    pokud prijmeme premisu, ze vztek nam pomuze resit problemy, tak je sice budeme resit, ale efektivitou tlup na urovni lovcu-sberacu.

    je to suboptimalni reseni problemu. a nejde o to, jestli se to vyhroti do riotu nebo ne. kdyz od nekoho neco chces (zapojit vsechny lidi k reseni problemu), pokud nejsi diktator a zijes v demokratickych hodnotach, tak se vztekem moc posouvat nebudes.

    tohle je totiz taky vedecky overeny. proto vznikl obor diplomacie, kde vztek nema misto
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: Nehledate v tom nejak moc vyznamu? Coz by svedcilo spis o emocnim chapani nez technickem.

    O cem to mluvi je, ze pokud mas eko-vztek, je vetsi pravdepodobnost, ze s tim neco pujdes udelat, at individualne, nebo ve skupine. Zaroven to zlepsi tvoje spatne pocity. Oproti tomu jine eko-rozpolozeni maji tendenci opacnou. To rikaji vedci. Eko-vztek je spoustec vlastniho zapojeni, ze akce budou rioty tam nikde napsano neni, ale asi to malokdo cetl, jako obvykle :)

    Akce podle nich znamena i posunuti vlastniho chovani smerem k eko-uvedomelemu chovani. Oh, jak se ti ekoteroriste nechavaji unaset emocemi!

    Navic to ukazuje, ze vsechno to "to je spatnej pristup, lidi tim akorat nastvou" mozna neni zas tak marna stretegie, naopak, koho se podari eko-nastvat, je z toho jednou nohou venku!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam