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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Jak jsem už psal dřív, jako přijatelná forma geoinženýringu mi přijde nabarvit střechy na bílo. A teď na to máme i novou superbílou barvu, která v podstatě aktivně chladí...
    World's Whitest Paint Sets Guinness Record, Could Reduce Need For Air Conditioning - Slashdot
    TUHO --- ---
    Polsko musí denně platit půl milionu eur za to, že nezastavilo těžbu v hnědouhelném dole Turów. Sankce Soudního dvora EU má platit do uposlechnutí příkazu soudu.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHEFIK: keby z toho zachyteneho karbonu napriklad vyrabali karbonove monokoky pre osobne vozidla, tak by sa dalo par tun ulozit tam (aspon na tych 25 rokov alebo aku to bude mat zivotnost :))
    RADIQAL --- ---
    To je roztomilé. Co všechno jsme ochotní číst-promýšlet-sdílet-propagovat, místo abychom změnili sebe-/-systém.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    GOJATLA: myslim, ze nemas dostatek predstavivosti a zamerujes svoje argumenty jen na jeden konkretni zpusob ccs, kterej verejne selhava (prefiltrovavat celou nasi atmosferu vetrakama).

    Prikaldem ccs (i kdyz tohle uz je mozna na pomezi ccus), ktery muze rentabilne a dlouhodobe fungovat je napr.:

    Ecotricity founder to grow diamonds 'made entirely from the sky' | Renewable energy | The Guardian

    Ale uznavam, ze ccs se bude muset pri masovym nasazeni ekonomicky opirat bud o dotace, nebo naopak vynosy z emisnich povolenek (ktery nevycerpaj), nebo regulaci. Duvodem je to, ze je to nadbytecnej krok v procesu vyrobku a "trvale uskladneni odpadniho produktu" se da tezko zpenezit, podobne jako uskladneni jadernyho odpadu.

    U ccus pak muze bejt situace jina. Utilizace uhliku/co2 muze v budoucnu i vynaset, zalezi na finalnim vyrobku/hodnote/marzi.

    Dneska tezko soudit, maximalne se muzeme bavit o dojmech.
    TUHO --- ---
    The record of 59.6 per cent was set at 11.55am on Sunday, when the share of wind and solar alone reached a record 57 per cent, and would likely have easily been more than 80 per cent had numerous wind and solar farms not switched off or dialled down output due to negative prices.
    Indeed, total wind and solar curtailment around that time amounted to around 3.5GW, according to NEMLog, compared to total large scale wind and solar capacity producing at the time of around 5.7GW.
    Still, the new benchmark easily beats the 58.3 per cent record set just after noon on Thursday, September 9, which was interesting because that record was established on a weekday when demand is generally higher due to more industrial activity.

    Australian renewables hit record share of 59.8 per cent on main grid on Sunday | RenewEconomy
    PER2 --- ---
    nejvyssi cas zacit natirat :D
    'Whitest ever' paint reflects 98% of sunlight - BBC News
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: jj. vypadá to, že to tady můžeme pomalu zabalit. konkrétně teda zabalit do reflexní fólie...
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: jo, dalsi [SHEFIK] z cyklu tlapkova patrola zachranuje. tentokrat sekvoje

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Firefighters Rush to Wrap Sequoias in Foil as Wildfire Nears
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: kdo by to byl jen čekal...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: je to asi drzost takhle komentovat, ale kdyby ta klimatická kavárna byla klimatizovaná, tak ve velkých vedrech by tam bylo příjemné zajít, ochladit se a zanadávat si :-)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    SHEFIK: Source CCS dává smysl fyzikálně, ale ne ekonomicky, proto ho nikdo nezavádí a nezavede. Smyslem CCS je vytvořit falešnou naději, "je ok, že budeme ještě 30 let vypouštět CO2, protože pak ho zase dostaneme pod zem". Nedostaneme.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    GOJATLA: to sice je, ale vyzvy jsou od toho, aby se pokorily :)

    GOJATLA: tohle rozporuje jen jeden konkretni zpusob carbon capture, ale argumenty vztahuje na jakykoliv budouci mechanismus "ccs". Plus sam uznava, ze i tenhle mechanismus u source co2 bude davat ekonomicky smysl
    PER2 --- ---
    fajn playlist - Climate Thinkers
    Climate Thinkers: John Schellnhuber
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Trocha stravitelné fyziky:

    Why Capturing Carbon from the Air Will Always Be Expensive - by Aatish Bhatia - The Rate of Change

    Because CO₂ is a trace gas in the atmosphere, extracting carbon from the air is like panning for gold — to extract 1 tonne of CO₂, you need to sift through over 2,000 tonnes of air — and this makes carbon capture unavoidably expensive & inefficient.

    So physics teaches us two things about the cost of pulling CO₂ from the air.

    It can go down somewhat.

    It’s still really expensive.

    Current estimates place the cost of capturing carbon between $200 and $1,000 per tonne of CO₂. To put that number in context, it would cost the entire US GDP (give or take a factor of 2) to recapture one year’s carbon emissions with existing technology.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    SHEFIK: no jo, entropie je mrcha
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #ccsFail #doomed

    Another Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Project Doesn't Live Up To Its Targets | CleanTechnica

    How bad has the project done? It is expected that it has only captured 30% of the carbon it was supposed to capture, according to Ian Porter, a former oil and gas industry executive who is chair of the advocacy group Sustainable Energy Now WA. And Porter had some strong words on his takeaway from this story. “It’s a shocking failure of one of the world’s largest engineering projects.” His opinion is that aside from paying to remedy the emissions failure of this project, Chevron should also pay big fines.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Aaron Thiery

    I'm increasingly of the view that for many grieving for an imagined future is a crucial right of passage before they feel able to reimagine their role in society. Avoiding this trauma prevents us both as individuals and as a collective from moving forwards

    However, this work of emotional processing is much better done in community. Support networks working in with an ethic of mutual aid are crucial.

    People are self-organising to provide spaces to do this inner work together.

    Anxiety and biscuits: the climate cafes popping up around the world | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    2019 Avoiding cultural trauma: climate change and social inertia


    The failure of societies to respond in a concerted, meaningful way to climate change is a core concern of the social science climate literature. Existing explanations of social inertia display little coherence. Here, a theoretical approach is suggested that integrates disparate perspectives on social inertia regarding climate change. Climate change constitutes a potential cultural trauma. The threat of cultural trauma is met with resistance and attempts to restore and maintain the status quo. Thus, efforts to avoid large-scale social changes associated with climate change constitute an effort to avoid cultural trauma, and result in social inertia regarding climate change at individual, institutional, and societal levels. Existing approaches to social inertia are reviewed. An intellectual framework utilizing the work of Pierre Bourdieu is proposed to integrate these different levels of social interaction. Social processes that maintain social order and thus avoid cultural trauma create social inertia regarding climate change.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SEJDA: mě přijde ok, že by fosilní paliva, bez ohledu na původ ve světě, byla drahá kvůli emisním povolenkám. Naprosto klíčové ale bude, co se s těmi penězi za emisní povolenky stane. Pokud se jen rozpustěj v bordelu ostatních daňových výnosů, tak za to stát klidně zase zafinancuje věci, který povedou ke zvýšení konvenčního konzumu, který celý stojí na fosilních palivech a bude to vlastně jen pro-inflační účetní operace...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam