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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
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    politika bilkovin

    IPES food | REPORT | The Politics of Protein

    A major new report by IPES-Food, The Politics of Protein: Examining claims about livestock, fish, ‘alternative proteins’ and sustainability, sheds light on misleading generalisations that dominate public discussion about meat and protein, and warns of the risks of falling for meat techno-fixes.

    Big meat, dairy and seafood companies are fast rolling out a range of technologies - such as plant-based alternatives, lab-grown meat, and precision livestock and fish-farming - with the backing of governments worldwide.

    IPES-Food warns that a number of misleading claims dominate public discussion about meat and protein, leading to a disproportionate focus on ‘protein’, a systematic failure to account for differences between production systems and world regions — and ultimately to the wrong solutions.

    Op-ed: Fake Meat Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis | Civil Eats

    the idea that these alternative proteins can save the planet is highly speculative. These claims are based on a narrow assessment of which products can deliver the most protein for the least CO2. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Products like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Burger source their ingredients from chemical-intensive (and therefore fossil fuel-intensive) monocultures and rely on heavy processing—all of which has major impacts on human health, biodiversity, and climate change.

    Factory farming clearly has huge impacts of its own, but the environmental and social impacts of livestock vary massively. In some parts of the world, raising animals helps to use limited land and resources efficiently, buffer against food shocks, and provide livelihoods where few options are available. Livestock contributes to the livelihoods of 1.7 billion smallholder farmers in the Global South, and plays a crucial economic role for approximately 60 percent of rural households in developing countries.

    Highly processed alternative proteins may therefore be more harmful than animal source foods in some contexts, depending on how they are produced.

    the idea that these products can “disrupt” the status quo and challenge the power of the corporate food industry is highly misleading. Start-ups may have initiated the boom, but nearly all of the world’s meat and dairy giants have now rolled out their own “fake meats” or bought up existing players. Nestlé, for example, has acquired Sweet Earth, while Unilever has bought up The Vegetarian Butcher. JBS, the world’s largest meat processor, has snapped up another market-leading meat-free brand, Vivera, adding to its portfolio of more than 100 brands—including organic meat lines
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    don't look up / just stop oil

    Miranda Whelehan | ITV | Good Morning Britain | 11 April 2022 | Just Stop Oil

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    novej smil byl?

    How the World Really Works

    In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable - the perils of allowing 70 per cent of the world's rubber gloves to be made in just one factory became glaringly obvious in 2020 - and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. For example, each greenhouse-grown supermarket-bought tomato requires the equivalent of five tablespoons of diesel oil for its production; and we still lack any commercially viable ways of making steel, ammonia, cement or plastics on the scale required globally without fossil fuels.

    Vaclav Smil is neither a pessimist nor an optimist, he is a scientist; he is the world-leading expert on energy and an astonishing polymath. This is his magnum opus and a continuation of his quest to make facts matter. Drawing on the latest science, including his own fascinating research, and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead? Compelling, data-rich and revisionist, this wonderfully broad, interdisciplinary masterpiece finds faults with both extremes. Looking at the world through this quantitative lens reveals hidden truths that change the way we see our past, present and uncertain future.

    How long can humans survive? - UnHerd

    Smil identifies these four basic pillars of human civilisation as steel, cement, plastic and ammonia. Producing them takes enormous amounts of fossil fuels. It takes, for instance, 25 gigajoules of energy to produce one ton of steel, roughly twice the amount of energy used by the average UK household per year. In 2019, the world used 1.8 billion tons of steel; its production is responsible for about 8% of the world’s total carbon emissions. But we can’t do without it: the frameworks of our cities are built of it; the pipes we send our water and gas through, too. Our cars, our transporter ships, our knives and cooking pots. Our machines for making all these things. Cement and plastic are similarly vital, and are responsible for comparable amounts of our total carbon output. We can’t do without them, and there’s no easy carbon-free alternative way of making them

    And then there’s ammonia, which rarely features in any conversation about cutting carbon emissions.
    It requires huge amounts of energy, and hydrogen, usually taken from natural gas. We now spread hundreds of millions of tons of ammonia on our fields — about 50% of the total nitrogen going into food production comes from it. Smil quotes an author, writing in 1971: “industrial man no longer eats potatoes made from solar energy; now he eats potatoes partly made of oil.”

    This means the world is able to eat. The share of the global population that is underfed has plummeted, even as the actual population has ballooned – about 65% of people could not get enough to eat in 1950, compared to about 9% in 2019. So, “in 1950 the world was able to supply adequate food to about 890 million people,” as Smil puts it: “but by 2019 that had risen to just over 7 billion”. That is not entirely down to ammonia, but ammonia is a large part of the story. If fertiliser were removed, perhaps half the world’s population would starve.

    Agriculture, then, depends on the whalefall: the glut of energy provided by fossil fuels. Our deep reliance on fossil fuels, to create materials most of us don’t appreciate we need, is unnerving. Especially when Smil points out that much of the world — notably, sub-Saharan Africa — lives on well below average levels of energy use. Africa uses just 5% of the world’s total ammonia supplies, despite having almost 25% of the population. About 40% of the world — 3.1 billion people — has a per capita energy supply “no higher than the rate achieved in both Germany and France in 1860”. “In order to approach the threshold of a dignified standard of living,” writes Smil, “those 3.1 billion people will need at least to double — but preferably triple — their per capita energy use.”

    Can we do that while also reducing our carbon emissions? Not fast, says Smil. For all the boasts and pledges — all the “government targets for years ending in zero or five”, about which Smil is very sniffy — the world relies too heavily on fossil fuels, for too many things, to rapidly stop using them.


    We need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, and the sooner the better. But it will be a long and difficult job — as Smil demonstrates, they are threaded through our society at every level, entwined like knotweed in the systems that provide our food, our housing, our machinery, our transport. We forget how complex our society is until it stops working in some way — as when supply chains broke down in the pandemic and our hospitals ran out of rubber gloves (an issue Smil talks about in a section on globalisation). As it stands, if we were to reduce fossil fuel consumption by the sort of degrees that some demand, it would lead to disaster, because we haven’t unpicked the threads yet.
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    disruptive protest

    Thread by @berglund_oscar on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Disruptive protest is by far the easiest way to get media attention. March through a town with a thousand people and nobody will care. Block a road, occupy an important building or important infrastructure and the media is much more likely to engage.

    Disruptive protest provokes and creates tension. It polarises. It pushes some people away whilst pulling others towards the cause, to care more, to engage or just to become more aware.

    But disruptive protest is very very rarely counterproductive. It does not turn people against its cause. Nobody who cares about climate change stops caring because of some annoying protestors. People don’t work like that even if they pretend to.

    Protests are rarely popular with the majority but still often further the cause. That doesn’t mean that being unpopular is unproblematic. We also need a broad and diverse climate movement and people don’t want to join one if all their friends will think they are dicks.

    Direct action can get direct results. Achievable demands are good. If not immediately achievable, it’s good if demands are clear & make sense to people. Insulating homes & stopping new fossil fuel projects are better demands than ‘telling the truth’ or ‘acting now’.

    It matters what your target is. Blocking the M25 gets you in the papers but its relationship to insulating homes is otherwise non-existent. That means that there are no partial wins beyond getting to talk about insulation on TV.

    If your target is the thing you are trying to stop, then you’ve already won something by causing disruption. The fossil fuel industry is the enemy of humanity so disrupting it is inherently worthwhile even without policy change. It makes fossil fuels a little less profitable.

    Don’t get arrested for the sake of it. Don’t call the cops on yourself. It looks terrible and privileged and like it’s all a theatre. It’s harder to get people’s sympathy if you’ve done something otherwise pointless just in order to get arrested.

    If you’re going to get arrested, make it count. Block an oil refinery, occupy a museum receiving oil money, occupy a bank funding oil. When the cops come it will be clear who they’re there to protect. Not people, but the profit of the forces that are destroying the world.

    At its best, direct action brings to light the unholy trinity of the fossil fuel industry, the financial sector and the state with all its repressive forces that are all driving us towards climate disasters.

    The best data for this is in @djbailey231’s dataset that shows what he calls militant protest to sometimes achieve its goals whereas non-militant protest pretty much never achieve its goals

    This is part of XR original strategy and draws on US civil resistance literature, not least Engler & Engler’s ‘This is an uprising’

    Also from Engler & Engler ‘This is an uprising’ but I draw this conclusion from looking at opinion polls about the protests themselves (unpopular) & the policies they support (popular). Case by case basically.

    My own book ‘Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change Activism’ has plenty on this point.

    Anarchist direct action literature is useful here. Graeber etc. also referenced in my book on XR
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    Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change Activism | SpringerLink
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    Episode 2 - How to Disable a Tanker

    For those willing to join in civil resistance against our government. A govt willing to sacrifice the existence of organized human life, not in the distant future, for money.
    PER2 --- ---
    haha, lidstvo je tak mrtvy

    dont look up 2
    Richard Madeley Clashes With Climate Activist In Fiery Oil Protest Debate | Good Morning Britain
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    R Hallam

    "This March was #India's hottest in 122 years, with a severe heatwave scorching significant swathes of the country throughout the month."
    I met a world expert a while ago who predicted that Indian wheat production will be halved by 2030.

    It is a well known fact in such circles that India is likely to be the first country to experience the first human "mass mortality event". Where is the spirit of Gandhi in the land of his birth?

    Delhi Swelters In Severe Heatwave, Records Hottest Day Of The Year
    TADEAS --- ---
    XR CZ

    Členové hnutí Extinction Rebellion zastavili blokády dopravy probíhající v uplynulých dvou týdnech v centru Prahy v rámci kampaně 3 °C pro Ukrajinu - 3 °C for Ukraine. Reagují tak na komentář ministra vnitra Víta Rakušana. Ten se v pátek pro cnn.prima vyjádřil, že by podle něj bylo „lepší vést diskuzi jinak, než někde na ulici mezi auty.” Aktivisté se nyní na Rakušana obracejí s výzvou, aby se s nimi setkal při diskuzi o závislosti České republiky na dovozu plynu z Ruska.

    „Už tři roky nechceme nic jiného, než reálnou diskuzi s politiky o tom, jak budou postupovat při ukončení naší závislosti na fosilních palivech. Nyní je tato otázka ještě urgentnější, protože i díky našim nákupům ruského plynu a fosilních paliv obecně umírají na Ukrajině nevinní lidé. Podle evropské diplomacie jsme na pomoc Ukrajině z EU dali již více než 1 miliardu EUR. Stejný objem peněz ale platíme za každý další den Putinovi za fosilní paliva. Taková situace je morálně neobhajitelná,“ vyjádřila se mluvčí Rebelie Veronika Holcnerová.

    V rámci kampaně blokovali protestující osmkrát dopravu na různých místech v centru Prahy. Několikrát se setkali s agresí ze strany řidičů a vyslechli si ostrou kritiku.

    Cílem kampaně 3 °C pro Ukrajinu - 3 °C for Ukraine bylo přesvědčit vládu, aby nařídila snížení teploty vytápění komerčních a kancelářských prostor a škol alespoň po zbytek topné sezóny na zákonem dané teplotní minimum. K takovému kroku vláda doposud nepřistoupila. Evropský parlament však mezitím schválil rezoluci vyzývající k úplnému zákazu dovozu fosilních paliv z Ruska.

    “Věříme, že ministr vnitra dostojí svým vlastním slovům a ukáže, že je ochoten vstoupit s námi do diskuze. Nestojíme tu sami za sebe, ale i ve jménu lidí na Ukrajině a s přesvědčením, že snížením spotřeby plynu zároveň napomůžeme zmírnění klimatické krize a zachráníme mnohé životy, které jí jinak v padnou v budoucnu za oběť,” dodala Holcnerová.

    Skupina pro tuto chvíli blokády ukončila, zároveň ale potvrdili, že toto není konec jejich aktivit a v podobných kampaních hodlají v budoucnu pokračovat, jen ve větším měřítku.



    - https://cnn.iprima.cz/jdi-se-vykoupat-do-vltavy-vole-ridice-znovu-namichli-aktiviste-lezici-na-silnici-89668
    - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/08/slugs-ban-european-flights-cities-car-use-hurt-putin-russia-oil-gas-income-report

    - https://www.novinky.cz/valka-na-ukrajine/clanek/zadny-rusky-plyn-ropu-ani-uhli-okamzite-vyzval-evropsky-parlament-clenske-staty-40393147
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    Apolena Rychlíková: Klimatická krize je největším globálním ohrožením. Nevkusné aktivity českých Extinction Rebellion od ní pozornost odpoutávají | Plus

    Na rozdíl od XR ale ty jejich nejsou nikdy namířeny proti lidem, nikoho neohrožují, spíše míří přímo na fosilní průmysl či korporace, které na klimatické krizi vydělávají, či instituce, které dostatečně důrazně nejednají.


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    rethink shit

    Backed-up pipes, stinky yards: Climate change is wrecking septic tanks

    As climate change intensifies, septic failures are emerging as a vexing issue for local governments. For decades, flushing a toilet and making wastewater disappear was a convenience that didn't warrant a second thought. No longer. From Miami to Minnesota, septic systems are failing, posing threats to clean water, ecosystems and public health.

    About 20 percent of U.S. households rely on septic, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Many systems are clustered in coastal areas that are experiencing relative sea-level rise, including around Boston and New York. Nearly half of New England homes depend on them. Florida hosts 2.6 million systems. Of the 120,000 in Miami-Dade County, more than half of them fail to work properly at some point during the year, helping to fuel deadly algae blooms in Biscayne Bay, home to the nation’s only underwater national park. The cost to convert those systems into a central sewer plant would be more than $4 billion.
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    neumime uplatnit sankci, ktera klimatickou zmenu zastavi. ted je na rade fosilni a agro lobby

    Jourová: Neumíme uplatnit sankci, která válku zastaví. Teď je na řadě ropa a plyn | DVTV - první internetová televize
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    Rebelie směřuje k vyhynutí. Přímá akce může být kontroverzní, ale nikoli trapná – A2larm
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    XR London

    @LloydsofLondon is closed for the day, as Extinction Rebellion shut the Lloyd's building this AM.

    Why? Lloyd's of London must stop underwriting fossil fuel projects. Insuring new oil & gas in a #ClimateCrisis makes no sense. We must insure #ClimateJustice.
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    Melting ice caps may not shut down ocean current -- ScienceDaily

    Melting ice caps may not shut down ocean current
    Most simulations of our climate's future may be overly sensitive to Arctic ice melt as a cause of abrupt changes in ocean circulation, according to new research led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    The new modeling study anticipates a much smaller reduction in AMOC strength, but that doesn't rule out abrupt change.

    "We suggest until this challenge is solved, any simulated AMOC changes from freshwater forcing should be viewed with caution," He says. "We can't be certain why the AMOC shut down in the past. but we are certain it did change. And it can change again."
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    Just Stop Oil: behind the scenes with the activists | Just Stop Oil | The Guardian

    After a while, a police officer approaches the second tanker and tries to reason the occupiers down. “We’re trying to raise awareness of the climate emergency,” says one, lean and bearded.

    “Everybody’s aware,” the officer protests.

    The activist shrugs. “There’s a difference between awareness and action.”
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    Lesy přestávají být plícemi republiky, uhlík mizí i z půdy - Ekolist.cz

    Od roku 2018 dochází k rozsáhlému rozpadu českých lesů a nepřímo i dosavadního lesního hospodářství, které se do značné míry opíralo o holosečné pěstování monokultur hlavních produkčních dřevin, zejména smrku. „Navzdory zaběhnutým poučkám a názorům o tom, že kůrovcem jsou ohroženy spíše starší porosty v mýtním věku, poslední kůrovcová kalamita dopadla v podstatě na všechny věkové třídy, snad s výjimkou nejmladších porostů do 20 let," říká Martin Valtera z Ústavu lesnické botaniky, dendrologie a geobiocenologie Mendelovy univerzity.

    Výsledkem jsou tisíce hektarů kalamitních holin, které bude problematické zalesnit. Na odlesněných plochách panují špatné klimatické podmínky. Dalším problémem je například nedostatek vhodného sadebního materiálu, což nezřídka vede k opětovné výsadbě smrku na ekologicky nevhodných stanovištích. „Tyto rozsáhlé změny v lesní krajině mají zásadní dopad na biologické procesy v půdě, vázání uhlíku a hydrologii půd, jakož i koloběhy živin a dalších prvků, jež se mohou z půdy následně vyplavovat do vodních toků," uvádí Valtera.

    Evropské lesy v důsledku klimatické změny vážou atmosférický uhlík intenzivněji, než dříve. Co ale tento trend přebíjí, je rozpad porostů a intenzivní těžba. Uhlík se tak uvolňuje do atmosféry a způsobuje další globální oteplování. „Přitom nadzemní biomasa představuje sotva polovinu uhlíku uloženého v lesích, druhá polovina je v lesní půdě," upozorňuje Valtera.

    Vzhledem k tomu, že tento kalamitní vývoj je v posledních letech v českém prostředí zcela bezprecedentní, budou odborníci zkoumat změny v lesních půdách na kalamitních holinách
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Instant Drinking Water: Just Add Wave Energy And Solar Panels

    Grand prize winner Oneka Technologies’ Oneka Snowflake, the Wave-Powered Watermaker, is a circular, raft-like device that can be assembled without tools, is easily installed, adapts to most ocean conditions, and is designed to produce up to 10,000 liters of clean water per week (enough for about 450 people)—making it ideal for disaster and recovery situations,” enthused the Energy Department.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: no, dnes od Břevnovské po křižovatku Malovnka dva pruhy fronty na štěstí. Samozřejmě včetně kamionů, protože Suchdolští si je domů nepustí, tak je máme my. Nevím, jestli jim dnes něco dají nebo nedají, ale já tu kilometrovou zácpu předjel na kole asi za minutu... samozřejmě se zohledněním radostí, jakože cyklopruh je hodně symbolická záležitost a třeba pro kloubový autobus odbočující do zastávky neznamená naprosto nic.

    Nevím, jestli bych něčemu prospěl, kdybych si na Patočkovu lehnul, protože ty auta tam stejně stojej (pozitivní je, že já kvůli té věčné zácpě, která nejde jednosměrkama objet, úplně přestal po Břevnově (ve firemních záležitostech, jiný důvod nemám - jezdit autem :-). Pohonné hmoty evidentně nezdražily dostatečně, protože dopravní návyky lidí se nemění ani o chlup.

    Čím to přesně změnit nevím, ale představa, že si někdo lehne na silnici a ty lidi v těch autech na to budou jakkoliv reagovat, je podle mě naivní. Když už, tak by se tam musely dát protitankový zátrasy...
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    DZODZO: zakon na ochranu civilizacniho poradku ma samozrejme prednost pred zakony na ochranu stabilniho klimatu, fkóz
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam