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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Here’s a plan for green King Charles: sell the family silver and use the cash to save the planet | John Vidal | The Guardian

    he receives a quarter of the profits made by the crown estate, the monarch’s property corporation which owns nearly 8,000 sq km of farmland and is valued by Forbes at more than $17bn (£16.3bn). It is no wonder that Charles backs renewable energy. Aside from vast acres of wild lands suitable for onshore wind, the estate owns most of the British foreshore to a distance of 12 miles – perfect for selling leases for offshore wind, tidal and wave power.

    It might not go down well to do a Patagonia and try to give it all away to fight climate breakdown. But he could start his green reforms of the monarchy by publicly divesting the institution of all fossil fuel interests. Again, we do not know what these investments amount to, but it is likely to be in the many hundreds of millions of pounds. Far from diminishing his wealth, the Treasury might even see divestment as a shrewd move if Britain is to reach net zero emissions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cop15: ‘World leaders might have to invite themselves’ to summit | China | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Tldr Melke more/stredozemni prestava byt carbon sink a diky nove objevenym procesum uvolnuje jeste vic co2 - 15% - nez se doted myslelo, pri reakci uhlicitanu vapenateho, ze ktereho morsti zivocichove jinak vytvari svoje schranky

    Root cause je vysoka teplota, mozna hrajou roli i mikroplasty

    Pozitivni vedlejsi efekt snizeni acidity oceanu, ale pri tehle teplotach to zadnej boom zivocichu nenastartuje

    The Mediterranean Sea Is So Hot, It’s Forming Carbonate Crystals | WIRED
    TUHO --- ---
    The widely cited figure for how much the IRA will spend to fight climate change—$374 billion—is in large part determined by the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of how much those tax credits will get used.

    But that estimate is wrong, the bank claims. In fact, so many people and businesses will use those tax credits that the IRA’s total spending is likely to be more than $800 billion, double what the CBO projects. And because federal spending tends to catalyze private investment, that could send total climate spending across the economy to roughly $1.7 trillion over the next 10 years. That’s significantly more money flowing into green-energy industries than the CBO projected, though it’s unclear if that additional money will lead to more carbon reductions than earlier analyses have projected

    The Climate Economy Is About to Explode - The Atlantic
    JIMIQ --- ---
    DZODZO: delas si srandu ale to presne se povedlo delfinum a velrybam :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: hl, evoluce moze fungovat aj opacnym smerom, ked mohli ryby vyliezt z vody, tak sa tam zas mozu vratit :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: prodavaj taky tzv investicni obcanstvi. aneb back to the sea ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Za to Atlantidane si namasti kapsu, az budou skupovat zatopene pozemky :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: nejlip za zed, ktera je ochrani od ostatnich spolumigrantu, kolapsu ekosystemu a klima zmeny, dobrej protip
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jak by rekl Ben Schapiro: no, co tak ty lidi, kteri bydli u pobrezi svoje pozemky prodaji a prestehuji se jinam .))
    TADEAS --- ---
    Česko vysychá jak Itálie. Expert radí, jak změnit krajinu v obří „přehradu“ - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---

    30 cm do konce stoleti z tani gronska, nice

    PER2 --- ---
    Greenland zombie ice and committed sea level rise
    MARSHUS --- ---

    This 100% solar community endured Hurricane Ian with no loss of power and minimal damage
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Drzet palce

    Brazil election: The fate of the Amazon and Indigenous Peoples' rights now 'hangs in the balance' | Euronews

    As the election heads into its second round of voting, incumbent Jair Bolsonaro faces off against Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. With almost all of the votes from the first round counted, Lula appears to have won 48 per cent of the vote compared to Bolsonaro’s 43 per cent.

    He failed to achieve the 50 per cent of valid votes needed to prevent this run-off voting and Brazil now has four weeks to decide who will lead the country.


    During former president Lula and the Workers’ party’s previous years in office, the Amazon saw a sharp decline in deforestation. It is thought to have fallen by around 72 per cent between 2004 and 2016.

    If Lula wins and manages to replicate this success, it could be good news for the rainforest. He has already promised to reverse destructive environmental policies and take action on illegal mining in Indigenous territories.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #biotech #mitigation

    Zelený zázrak. Berlínský startup pomocí mechu chrání města před zplodinami - Forbes

    Firma vyrábí světově patentované filtrační systémy vzduchu do měst. Jejich základem je obyčejný mech: rostlina se zázračnými vlastnostmi. „Mech spojený s naší technologií dokáže přefiltrovat až 80 procent škodlivin ze vzduchu a zároveň ho ochladí o několik stupňů. Zachytává především jemný prach, který se běžně usazuje v plicích i v krevním oběhu a vážně poškozuje zdraví,“ vysvětluje Simon Dierks, který má na starosti marketing.
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    TADEAS: tady snad link s odemcenym:
    Václav Cílek: Většina vlád selže. Mladí se do deseti let chopí revoluce - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: ne, to je obdivuhodny. Jen v rusku, ktery zamerne uvolnuje metan, jejich verejna politika rozmrazeni severniho ledovyho oceanu, plus nezavislost jejich soudu a ekologicka valka s ukrajinou. Ale jak rikam, snaha je obdivuhodna.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: jakoze v totalitnich statech se lido nemaj obcansky snazit nebo co lol
    TADEAS --- ---
    cilkovo klimaticke povstani :)

    Václav Cílek: Většina vlád selže. Mladí se do deseti let chopí revoluce - iDNES.cz
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam