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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    Kontraproduktivní a neúčinná. Švédsko ruší zelenou leteckou daň, Ryanair i IATA blahopřejí - Zdopravy.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Oh my God, what is that?’: how the maelstrom under Greenland’s glaciers could slow future sea level rise | Glaciers | The Guardian

    current models do not take account of a big possible factor: the huge mounds of ground rock that some glaciers pile up in front of them, blocking their paths and insulating them from ever hotter oceans. These could function as “speed bumps”, effectively slowing the impact of global heating. But the role this plays is unknown because researchers had never been able to scrutinise the hellish zone where mighty glaciers, rock and ocean meet.

    TERMINUS: Studying Greenland’s Underwater Glacial Walls
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hottest summer on record could lead to warmest year ever measured | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: a kdyby meli moc vody, tak sucho v krajine. dobra rada nad zlato
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ROGER_WILCO: musi se naucit zadrzovat vodu v krajine
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    vskutočnosti plastová
    TADEAS --- ---
    doba biogeopsychedelická
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    @thenoorhag · 4 Sep
    Heavy rain and floods took by surprise hundreds of thousands of Sudanese and it destroyed more than 200 000 houses.

    In the Sahara desert!

    Plans for Floods control and town replanning in the desert is needed to prevent future catastrophes and to cope with real Climate change
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    This is just beyond insane. A tropical wave is dumping serious rainfall on Mali, a desert country in North Africa. In the coming days, its path will travel across northern Mauritania and curve into western and northern Algeria. The Sahara Desert is experiencing some historic rain

    MARSHUS --- ---
    #pocasi #jetorozbity

    Until this heatwave... Sweden 🇸🇪 and Norway 🇳🇴 had never hit > 30 °C in September. New national records have been set and by huge margin.

    Extraordinary weather pattern in Europe right now.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Británie po 140 letech končí s uhlím. Zavírá poslední uhelnou elektrárnu | Hrot

    Spojené království je první vyspělou průmyslovou zemí, která úplně ukončuje výrobu elektřiny z uhlí. Na konci září odstaví poslední velký uhelný zdroj na ostrovech. Do konce dekády chce britská vláda vyrábět elektřinu pouze bezemisně.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MARSHUS: You know the #Atlantic is truly broken when models are forming tropical cyclones over the Sahara desert rather than the ocean.

    Cant remember if I've ever seen solutions like this before. Remarkable!

    #Tropics #HurricaneSeason

    MARSHUS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    povodne v pakistanu, hlad. Je mi 14, měla jsem radost že se budu vdávat. Myslela jsem že dostanu rtěnku a šaty. Ale manžel nemá práci a můj život je ještě horší než dřív (s půlročním kojencem). Rodina žije za dolar na den, za nevěstu dostane třeba 720 dolarů, jenže ženich to pořídil na dluh a nemá z čeho splácet

    "We would expect to see an 18 percent increase in the prevalence of child marriage, equivalent to erasing five years of progress," it said in a report after the 2022 floods.

    Dildar Ali Sheikh, 31, had planned to marry off his eldest daughter Mehtab while living in an aid camp after being displaced by the floods.

    "When I was there, I thought to myself 'we should get our daughter married so at least she can eat and have basic facilities'," the daily wage labourer told AFP.

    Mehtab was just 10 years old.

    "The night I decided to get her married, I couldn't sleep," said her mother, Sumbal Ali Sheikh, who was 18 when she married.

    An intervention from the NGO Sujag Sansar led to the wedding being postponed, and Mehtab was enrolled in a sewing workshop, allowing her to earn a small income while continuing her education.

    But when the monsoon rains fall, she is overcome by dread that her promised wedding will also arrive.

    How Extreme Weather Is Leading To Rise In Child Marriages In Pakistan
    TUHO --- ---
    "Takhle špatně jsem na tom psychicky ještě nebyla. Žiju v nejistotě, mám dluhy," svěřuje se třiceti letá Maria Vardoulli z Thesálie v centrálním Řecku, známé jako řecká obilnice. Je jednou z mála žen, které tu farmaří.

    Maria nepracuje v zemědělství odjakživa: původní profesí je fyzioterapeutka a teprve v roce 2019 začala na rodinném pozemku pěstovat všechno od luštěnin, špenátu a rajčat po bavlnu. Finance pro rozjezd farmaření získala z evropského programu pod podmínkou, že se až do roku 2027 nebude živit v jiném oboru.

    Nemohla ale předvídat, jak dopadne loňský rok.

    V září 2023 centrální Řecko zasáhly přívalové deště, voda zaplavila celé vesnice, zničila úrodu i zemědělské vybavení. Pět měsíců po povodni pod vodou stále ještě leželo 50 000 hektarů půdy a Mariina pole byla pořád plná bláta a sutin.

    Po katastrofě byla Maria v extrémním stresu a začaly se u ní projevovat psychosomatické potíže. Není sama. Na nespavost, noční můry spojené s vodou a deštěm a pocit bezvýchodnosti v důsledku povodně si stěžuje většina zemědělců, s nimiž jsme hovořily.

    Na pokraji kolapsu: tvrdá doba pro psychiku evropských zemědělců – Page Not Found
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: How Democracy Survives Global Challenges in the Anthropocene
    Edited By Michael Holm, R. S. Deese
    TUHO --- ---
    How Democracy Survives explores how liberal democracy can better adapt to the planetary challenges of our time by evolving beyond the Westphalian paradigm of the nation state. The authors bring perspectives from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America, their chapters engaging with the concept of transnational democracy by tracing its development in the past, assessing its performance in the present, and considering its potential for survival in this century and beyond. Coming from a wide array of intellectual disciplines and policymaking backgrounds, the authors share a common conviction that our global institutions—both governments and international organizations—must become more resilient, transparent, and democratically accountable in order to address the cascading political, economic, and social crises of this new epoch, such as climate change, mass migration, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and resurgent authoritarianism. This book will be relevant for courses in international relations and political science, environmental politics, and the preservation of democracy and federalism around the world.

    TADEAS --- ---

    Súčasné nočné teploty nad 20 °C idú až proti fyzikálnym zákonom, vraví klimatológ Faško — Denník N
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: klima uz neni in
    TADEAS --- ---
    unrelated ,)

    Greta Thunberg arrested at Gaza war protest in Copenhagen | Greta Thunberg | The Guardian
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