#dopadypovodne v pakistanu, hlad. Je mi 14, měla jsem radost že se budu vdávat. Myslela jsem že dostanu rtěnku a šaty. Ale manžel nemá práci a můj život je ještě horší než dřív (s půlročním kojencem). Rodina žije za dolar na den, za nevěstu dostane třeba 720 dolarů, jenže ženich to pořídil na dluh a nemá z čeho splácet
"We would expect to see an 18 percent increase in the prevalence of child marriage, equivalent to erasing five years of progress," it said in a report after the 2022 floods.
Dildar Ali Sheikh, 31, had planned to marry off his eldest daughter Mehtab while living in an aid camp after being displaced by the floods.
"When I was there, I thought to myself 'we should get our daughter married so at least she can eat and have basic facilities'," the daily wage labourer told AFP.
Mehtab was just 10 years old.
"The night I decided to get her married, I couldn't sleep," said her mother, Sumbal Ali Sheikh, who was 18 when she married.
An intervention from the NGO Sujag Sansar led to the wedding being postponed, and Mehtab was enrolled in a sewing workshop, allowing her to earn a small income while continuing her education.
But when the monsoon rains fall, she is overcome by dread that her promised wedding will also arrive.
How Extreme Weather Is Leading To Rise In Child Marriages In Pakistanhttps://www.ndtv.com/world-news/how-extreme-weather-is-leading-to-rise-in-child-marriages-in-pakistan-6347952