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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    sira ve stratosfere - stephenson kritizuje projekt na detekci tohoto, protoze mu pripada spatne uzavirat si tuto cestu

    vymezuje se proti clanku v NYT

    Just to lay my cards on the table, I think that SRM should be investigated and possibly even implemented. But I don’t think it is likely to be, because people on the right and left both hate it. People on the right lump it in with chemtrails, and hate it for the same reasons (if that is the correct word) they now have now decided that the polio vaccine is bad. People on the left hate it because…well, I’ll get to that in a second. So I don’t think it will happen unless a Trumpian figure comes out in favor of it and pitches it to the populist base in a style that will make those people think it’s awesome.

    In other words, I think that this is largely an abstract debate that is more interesting as a case study in fallibilism than it is on its own merits.

    The NYT Article
    The article describes how some exceptionally smart and technically capable people are using their ingenuity and energy (and presumably taxpayer money) to set up a detection system that will enable them to blow the whistle on anyone who actually tries to implement SRM. This is because “[SRM] could also unleash untold dangers. Many worry that solar geoengineering could have unintended consequences.”

    I’m not going to pore over the article in detail because I try to keep these Substack entries reasonably short. But if we take it at face value, it seems that everyone mentioned in this story, as well as the journalist writing it, simply accepts the premise that even the smallest and most preliminary efforts that might be made towards studying SRM are so unthinkably reckless that the most important thing that they can possibly be devoting their careers to is creating sophisticated systems “to measure aerosol concentration and raise a red flag at any anomalies.”

    Geoengineering (Wrong 2) - by Neal Stephenson - Graphomane

    Other methods to implement SRM have been proposed, such as using huge systems of balloons or firing enormous guns into the air. The only thing they have in common is that they are almost comically enormous. They have to be, since what they are trying to do is to replicated in a controlled manner some of the largest volcanic explosions in history.

    What then is the purpose of putting all of this ingenuity to work building these exquisitely sophisticated systems for detecting faint traces of aerosols in the stratosphere? The only explanation that makes any sense is that the goal is to sense even the tiniest and most preliminary exploratory efforts in the field of SRM. Experiments, basically. Programs that are, by definition, too small to actually change the climate. If someone were changing the climate, we’d know about it. We wouldn’t need high altitude balloons or WB-57s. We could just aim a webcam at the special airport where hundreds of weird planes were taking off every day.

    And it’s worth reiterating—because the level of anxiety about SRM is so high—that the purpose of those weird planes would not be to drop bombs, spray nerve gas, or strafe peasants, but to ameliorate, temporarily and reversibly, the effects of a completely uncontrolled and incredibly reckless geoengineering experiment that the human race has been engaging in for 200 years, and will continue to engage in for at least another 50 years, by dumping vast quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere and the oceans.

    A charge often levelled against environmentalists by the right is that tree-huggers are in some sense anti-technological and by extension anti-human. That they are in love with the idea of an unspoiled natural order and that anything humans do to change it is automatically bad.

    But that doesn’t explain this curiously asymmetrical reaction to, on the one hand, the very idea that some people might engage in preliminary studies of techniques intended to save humanity from the consequences of too much anthropogenic CO2 in the air, vs., on the other hand, the ongoing reality of what we are actually doing when we burn fossil fuels. I don’t understand how people who think this way are going to explain such positions when a million people are lying dead of heatstroke somewhere. The only way I can process it is to construe it as a kind of religious belief—an article of faith.
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi dokument BBC Climate Wars... Narazil jsem nahodou, prej stoji za to

    Worth watching indeed. I’d recommend anyone and everyone to watch this series. It’s basic enough for someone with little to no knowledge of this issue, yet presented in such a compelling way that the most experienced climate scientist wouldn’t get bored.

    One of the film’s major strong points was simply the way it was organized. Dr Stewart traced the history of both the science and the politics around climate change, splitting it into three parts:

    Part one: Scientists had known for decades that anthropogenic greenhouse gases could cause warming of the Earth, but now, following thirty years of aerosol-induced cooling, global warming was starting to show; almost every year was record-breaking. James Hansen was the first to “stick his neck out” – testifying to Congress that he believed anthropogenic climate change was underway. He later claimed that he had weighed the risks of being wrong and looking stupid, versus doing nothing and not telling the world about such a huge potential threat. Sort of like an early Greg Craven, I suppose. I found this part to be the least interesting of the three. It also began strangely – Stewart mentioned a letter to the US president, signed by top scientists, which warned of an impending ice age. I’d never heard about this before. Does anyone else know more about this letter?

    Part two: The skeptics fought back as strongly as they could, questioning absolutely every scientific claim regarding global warming. I found this to be absolutely fascinating; it solidifed a lot of issues in my mind and helped to unify my knowledge on the topic. Stewart went through the research which showed that the Earth was warming as a result of human activities – and showed how all the yelling from skeptics helped to make the theory even stronger. He also “infiltrated the walls” of the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change, which I found to be absolutely hilarious. They had a comedian making bad jokes about how New York could handle some global warming, Monckton and Singer making their usual accusations of fraud (Stewart remarked that “when these become the talking points, then I know that the scientific debate is really over”), and Patrick Michaels publicly admitting “Yes, the second half of the century did show some warming, and it was the result of human activities…..and now you all hate me for saying that…….” Dr Iain Stewart explained that, even though the controversy doesn’t really exist anymore in the scientific literature, the claims of skeptics still live on in the popular media and on the Internet. Instead of fighting a scientific battle, they’re now doing public relations.

    Part three: Scientists knew that humans were causing global warming, but how bad would it be? After the brilliance of the second part, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the last segment quite as much…….but I was proven very, very wrong. It both terrified and fascinated me. Terrified because it discussed the Younger Dryas, something I hadn’t really heard of before, where it warmed about 5 C in just a few years. So far beyond anything I thought was possible. When this research was released, the idea that the climate was steady and slow-moving could no longer be embraced.

    TUHO --- ---

    George Monbiot
    To all the people saying "they should have locked the Just Stop Oil protesters up for longer", enjoy your weekend.
    But please remember that you wouldn't have a weekend, or any other fundamental right, were it not for protesters who were reviled by people like you.¨
    If we are to have the right to a habitable planet, which I hope your descendants will take for granted just as you take your rights to vote, to speak freely and to weekends for granted, it will not happen without the protests you hate so much.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    To je naprostej idiot

    Be Wary What You Wish For: Trump 2.0 Will Retract Climate Laws - CleanTechnica

    Another Trump administration would revise nearly every forward-looking Biden-Harris administration action, including breakthrough legislation to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. The Sierra Club warns that “everything from rules to curb hazardous air pollutants to programs that help make cleaner and more energy-efficient purchases affordable would be on the chopping block” if Trump 2.0 becomes a reality.


    Trump: The former president said, “In my opinion, you have a thing called weather, and you go up, and you go down. If you look into the 1920s, they were talking about a global freezing, okay? In other words, the globe was going to freeze.’”
    Trump: “The global warming hoax, it just never ends,” he said, also referring to the climate crisis as “nonexistent” and “created by the Chinese.”
    Trump: Trump has called renewable energy “a scam business.” His campaign asserts that, under the Trump administration, “without sacrificing any economic gains, American energy became cleaner than ever before.”
    Trump: “I hate wind,” Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida. “The windmills (sic) aren’t working, the most expensive form of energy ever.”
    Trump: “And we have other things that are also no good. It’s called the Green New Deal — I call it the Green New Hoax

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Roger explaining himself

    Nevim zda to nekoho jeste zajima, tyka se to te fear-mongering strategie, Roger napsal dlouhy vysvetlovaci post, ze si mysli, ze je to vic honest and fair, nez kdyz se vedci furt schovavaji za svuj non-emotional pohled. Za me, kazdej dela co se mu vypocitalo, ale bojim se, ze uz to Roger prozkoumal kam az to slo a je to bez efektu..

    The nerdy scientists are the mirror image of the raging deniers. They feed each other. They both need each other like one of those really perverse dependency relationships. If scientists emote and speak in blunt terms like “my children are going to die”, the deniers give them hell for saying things that are not certain. “Have you proof that your children will die you fucking bunch of fear mongers? No!”. And so the scientists retreat, which suits them just fine because then they can continue to be in their comfort zone of only talking about certainties: “Sorry you are right, there is only an uncertain possibility my children will soon enter into unique levels of discomfort”.

    Both scientists and deniers are not computers - they are humans trying to avoid emotional pain. Both groups can’t cope with me because I am the guy running into the room going: “I don’t give a flying fuck about your fucking certainty analysis - it's my fucking children you total dicks.” That's why I got 1.6 million views. Because I am violating the rules both sides impose on the public sphere. That is why my favourite historical figure, Larry Kramer, was such an effective change-maker. Because he didn’t give a fuck - check him out.


    This is a roundabout way of saying that when I say, “12% of Phoenix are going to die” I am not really saying 12% of Phoenix are going to die. I am not talking about moss - I am making an emotional, rhetorical and entirely appropriate statement. A deeply true statement in the holistic sense.

    I know 12% of Phoenix might ACTUALLY not die. But that is not the point. The point is this world is so fucked up because we just sit there and continue watching Netflix when we are in this beyond fucking fucked situation.

    Get it yet? What I am ACTUALLY saying is “Wake the fuck up you fucking dicks.”

    The opposite of love is not hate - it's indifference. Hate, don't get me wrong, is a terrible thing but indifference is so much worse. Indifference is death. The first 100-plus hateful comments below my tweet are all calling me a dick. Why? Because they are crying out for this terrible shit show called “Climate” not to be real. Because if it is real, it will be so unbearably upsetting, not just for themselves and those they love, but for their whole sense of the world as something they need to control.

    zbytek zde


    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: zacnu postupne:

    1) Proč si raději neposlechnout antropology, klimatology, ekology, aj.?

    Protoze je to beh na delsi trat, kazdy ma trochu jiny nazor, atd. Ne kazdy si muze dovolit z pohledu casu jit do detailu kazdeho topicu a delat si srovnani jak praci, tak backgroundu autoru. Pokud nekdo udela srozumitelne summary nad obecne prijimanymi teoriemi, je to cesta, jak se posunout k (individualne) dulezitejsim vecem rychleji. Z toho duvodu takove summary a abstrakty obecne vznikaji. Efektivita vyuziti casu.

    2) ad Matt Ridley a red flag. Pokud odsoudis na zaklade clanku, kdy se primluvil u statnich instituci za ccs technologii pro uhelne elektrarny (a faktu, ze na svem pozemku jednu uhelku hostuje), ze veskere jeho zivotni dilo, ve kterem jsem osobne zatim nenarazil na nic o uhlenych elektrarnach (napr. Cervena kralovna jez popularizovala evolucni biologii), nema duveru, protoze ma napojeni na fosil, tak podkopavas vlastni duveryhodnost delat spravne usudky

    3) Reality blind - zbezne jsem prosel dostupne stranky a na kazde nasel autoruv narativ, ktery priohyba realitu, napr.:
    - 205) money is no longer tied to physical world - money is primarily claim to future energy and non-renewable sources. Jednak si v dane vete protireci a jednak se snazi nastinit narativ, ze penize nas vlastne v nove dobe, po zlatem standardu, zenou do vycerpani. Neni to tak, za money si kupujes i renewable sources, nebo recyklovane zbozi. Money jsou vyjadrenim hodnoty, ktera se dale vyuziva pro exchange, vzdy tomu tak bylo a vzdy tomu tak bude. Je jedno jestli jde o energii, renewable, non-renewable a je jedno, jestli je kryte zlatem nebo ne, pac kryti zlatem byl sam o sobe take jen virtualni koncept.

    - 207 soucasna prace na svete je zbytecna, pac se jedna jen o distribuci fosilni energie... ano, ale to taky neni nic noveho, mohl bys rict, ze prace na poli se zviraty je zbytecna, protoze se jedna o distribuci zvireci energie. Ale hura na hate fosil, dela nas zbytecnymi! :)

    - 209 95% money around the world is created out of thin air - tohle se autorovi opet hodi do kramu a neni tomu tak. Jednak komercni banka nemuze zvysovat penezni zasobu, to mohou jen centralni banky. Dale, ty penize jsou kryte vklady, nejsou out of thin air (tohle se delo i pred Kristem, v ramci chramu/klasteru, ktere slouzily jako banky, opet nic noveho jak se nam autor snazi podsunout 'soucasne zlo'. A posledni 'represents finite amount of non-renewable resources' je asi podobne vypovidajici jako veta, ze elektromobil je ekologicky nesmysl, protoze jezdi na energii z fosilnich elektraren (realita jak zde vime je komplikovanejsi).

    Atd. Tohle je knizka, ktera dela oversimplifications v ramci sveho narativu a osobne bych ji nikomu dal nedoporucil...

    Sorry, za formating, ale sem na mobilu.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    mam update k tomu degrowth. jak jsem tu psavala, ze nechapu, jak by to melo fungovat, jak by se to mohlo zavest, jake by to melo parametry atd. tak zrejme to nevi nikdo. nove vysel clanek v nature, zkusim z toho vytipat, co vsechny autori rikaji, ze by se muselo nejak vyresit. jsou to ty namitky, o kterych jsme si tu psali. prijde mi to jako nastolit svetovy mir.

    Nature beru jako top journal, kde netisknou jen tak neco

    zopakovala bych otazku jak si nekdo muze realne myslet, ze by se to fakt nejak nasadilo. (TUHO?) to neni hate, vadi mi kdyz nechapu veci

    Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

    problemy (need to address)

    Welfare is often funded by tax revenues.
    Private pension providers rely on stock-market growth for financial returns.
    Firms cite projected growth to attract investors.

    For example, the ‘fiduciary duty’ of company directors needs to be changed. Instead of prioritizing the short-term financial interests of shareholders, companies should prioritize social and environmental benefits and take social and ecological costs into account.

    Sectors such as social care and pensions need secure funding mechanisms for public providers, and better regulation and dismantling of perverse financial incentives for private providers

    For example, if markets are spooked by low growth in one country, some companies might move their capital overseas, which could adversely affect the original country’s currency and increase borrowing costs. Conditions such as these posed severe financial problems for Argentina in 2001 and Greece in 2010.

    co se tyce navrhovanych reseni

    - zdanit foslni odvetvi
    - zdant bohate
    - natisknout penize, ale zaroven
    - nedopustit inflaci
    - a nedostat se do problemu se statnimi dluhy
    - zkratit pracovni dobu, ale
    - zaridit, aby low income lidi nemeli problemy
    - zmenit sektor sluzeb (nepochopila jsem = zni dost utopicky, napr. ze sektor bydleni by nesel na ruku developerum atd, ale zajistil dostupne bydleni pro vsechny aby nemuseli odjizdet ven z mesta)


    politika = zadny politik si to nedovoli, nema to podporu


    - delat pruzkumy, jestli uz jsou na to lidi zrali
    - priklady z transition cities a z Kuby po padu SSSR
    - studovat politicka hnuti
    - Fourth, a better grasp is needed of the political and economic interests that might oppose or support degrowth. For example, how do groups such as the think tanks, corporations, lobbyists and political parties that work to support elite interests organize, nationally and internationally, to scupper progressive economic and social policy? The role of the media in shaping pro-growth attitudes remains underexplored. Given the links between economic growth and geopolitical power, individual nations might be disinclined to act alone, for fear of facing competitive disadvantage, capital flight or international isolation. This ‘first mover’ problem raises the question of whether, and under what conditions, high-income countries might cooperate towards a degrowth transition.

    .. za me, to spis drzim palce te jaderne fuzi. Nevim no.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: asi je to off topic tady, ale co je vlastně ta obava? V čem může být Twitter horší, než byl? Co by byla ta katastrofa?

    Kdyby to koupil trump a najal bandu Prchalů, aby designovali dezinfo, tak chápu paniku. Musk ale prostě chce centristickou Ameriku, považuje ten jejich národní rozkol Blue vs red za fakt velkej problém. Držím mu palce, že něco zkouší. Šéfové jiných socek nedělají nic, protože hate posiluje profit. To ale nikomu nevadí protože to není vizionářský a autistický

    Zrovna jsem měla ve Feedu

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: krivka vypada takto TADEAS


    v zasade jde o to, ze jakmile dosahnes na private jety, jachty a podobny sragory, tak ti ty emise z excesivni osobni potreby rapidne narostou. ale zase se to tyka tak malyho mnozstvi lidi, ze agregovane to v celkovym kontextu je nejaky desetiny procenta globalnich rocnich emisi... cili na invidiuum hrozne moc, v celku zas tak moc ne. ... opet ale otazka, kolik tech private jet letu je relevantnich pro organizaci ty civilizacni struktury, zda jsou nutne nebo ne, to nejsem schopny posoudit.

    me prijde, ze je relevantni na to poukazovat napr. z duvodu ze to ilustruje extremni nerovnost lidskyho spolecenstvi v soucasnosti, ze to poukazuje na excesy osobni spotreby, ale pokud jde o klima, tak v tom celkovym kontextu to proste zas takovej problem neni. nasere to, ale je to tak a kdyz nekdo tuhle linku pouziva, tak si proste jede 'miliardarskej hate' a je to ukrok stranou, jak rika ymladris.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to je nakej hoax ne? Pres google neni ani zminka a to maj spoustu hate clanku na chemikalie apod.


    I kdyby to tak bylo, bude to nejaka chyba jednotlivych firem, nebo nejaky docasny gap trhu, ne systemovy problem kapitalismu. Bylo by to podobne, jako rikat, ze na kazdy pivo v albanii se vyrobi sklenena lahev, ktera se pak vyhodi, pac nemaj recyklacni linky. Ano, nemaji, ale jak je ziskaji? Kapitalismus resi tyhle gapy tim, ze dava prostor podnikatelum, treba pro dalsi recyklaci a nemusi se o vsecko starat stat. Pri nadbytcich materialu je ta efektivita vyuziti materialu nizsi, to se stava, ale ktery trzni system je efektivnejsi? Centralni jako pri komunismu? Budem planovat spotrebu, abychom nevyrobili pristich 5 let navic? Az budu potrebovat na toaletak, mam poslat dopis na ministerstvo s predstihem at zasadi strom?

    Jinak to dalsi komercni vyuziti obleceni tam je, jen se ho musi nejaky podnikatel chytnout, a to je vzdycky jen otazka casu. V kapitalismu spise kratsiho.

    SK-Tex, a Slovakian recycling company, transforms old clothes into insulation products | European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Concerns surrounding the environment and the climate crisis are no longer just the focus of liberals and the left.

    Eco-fascism is a growing racist ideology on the extreme right, marrying the ideas of environmentalism with white supremacy and ethnonationalism.

    With the climate crisis worsening by the day, eco-fascist thought has deepened alongside it. Many modern eco-fascists blame overpopulation, immigration, and globalization for our current predicament. And they say the only way to stop a total climate catastrophe is to close borders and return to ethno states.

    White Supremacy Meets Eco-Warriors | Decade of Hate
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: nesmyslu v duchu, ze to neni to domysleny. Je to levicackej idealismus, kterymu unika spousta souvislosti, proc spolecnost v pravicovem duchu funguje efektivneji na mnoha urovnich (socialne, kapitalove, znalostne, mirou doziti atd.).

    Vlastne je to takova stiznost, ze neco neco nefunguje perfektne, cimz autor vlastne dokazal (i kdyz nic nedokazal), ze jeho vize na papire perfektne fungovat bude. Logickou paralelou bych to pripodobnil k argumentaci, kdyz mas spatny pneu na aute, tak je lepsi to shodit ze skaly a poridit novy, misto vymeny gum, protoze je jasny, ze je to cely spatne.

    Je to docela dlouhy na revizi, za kterou tu stejne dostanu minusy, pac ekologicky temata sleduje primarne levice, ale abych nepouzival jen dojmy jako autor:


    a) Titulek: "Zamlčovaný fakt o klimatu: nelze je zachránit beze změny společenského systému"
    o zadny fakt se nejedna, je to autoruv nazor, nema ho nicim podlozeny a jeho text nepoklada ani zaklady pro takove tvrzeni

    b) podtitulek: dtto, autorovo prani

    c) "Mezi tyto omyly patří představa, že klimatická krize nemá žádného jasně definovatelného viníka"

    - Nema jednoho jasne definovatelneho.
    - Klima se meni bez priciny lidi, ale i diky lidem. Nekteri vedi vic, nekteri vedi mene. To plati i pro lidi pracujici v korporatech a nektere jejich rozhodnuti v minulosti. Nektere historicke studie o klimatu se trefily, nektere ne. Soudit ex post a vybirat si je zavadejici.
    - Klimatologie se utvari a zpresnuje, a to dodnes.
    - Fosilni trh ma stejne jako kazdy trh 3 ucastniky - poptavku, nabidku a regulatora. Vlada zajistuje levne energie (napr. USA, trh se nabazi a konzument zustava spokojeny, nebo CR aktualne s plynem). On totiz riot, zpusobenej bojem o holej zivot jeste efektivite udrzitelnosti nikdy neprospel.


    d) "že jsme tak nějak všichni „na jedné lodi“, a na řešeních potřebujeme spolupracovat i s těmi, kdo k oteplování historicky nejvíc přispěli: s fosilním průmyslem a na něj napojeným kapitálem."

    Zavrhuje, nejoptimalnejsi reseni, zapojit vsechny a idealne spolecnosti, ktere se jinak budou branit o to vic, a ktere jsou dost velke, aby tu obrovskou transformaci uridili. Kde jinde bychom jinak vzali tolik prostredku? Zestatnenim? (a jaka by pak byla motivace pro podnikani?) A kdo by tu transformaci provedl?

    Pokud by se zabyval trochu managementem at uz lidi, nebo trhu, pak je nejjednodussi pro dosahnuti cilu lidi (popripade firmy) motivovat. Ne vytvaret rozkol a demotivaci. Nebo je dulezitejsi je potrestat za chyby minule mimo soucasne zakony, nez se soustredit na co nejrychlejsi vyreseni problemu vsech lidi?

    e) "Souvisejícím omylem je představa, že klimatickou krizi půjde vyřešit v dnešním systému ekonomiky závislé na nekonečném růstu, převážně technologickými změnami, a že k tomu bude stačit nahradit dnešní výrobu energie z fosilních paliv obnovitelnými zdroji, aniž by se někdo ve své spotřebě musel uskromnit."

    Vysvetloval jsem tu nekolikrat. Rust s udrzitelnosti vubec nesouvisi. HDP vzorec nic o emisich nerika, tudiz nejsou zavisle. To, ze si rust spousta lidi mylne interpretuje a zamenuje za symbol kourici tovarny je nepochopeni ekonomiky fungujici jako celku. Rust je relativisticka velicina. I pokud ji vztahneme ke konstantam, jako jsou materialy, tak napr. pokud jde o recyklaci a nove technologie, muze jit krivka sustainability ruku v ruce s rustem v danem sektoru.

    f) "Klimatická krize má viníka. Je jím fosilní kapitál - Začaly se na projevy přehřívání planety samy připravovat a zabezpečovat svoji infrastrukturu. Nás ostatní ale nejenže nevarovaly — naopak. Investovaly miliardy dolarů do šíření dezinformací a lobbingu proti řešením."

    - Neslo spis o konkretni viniky v minulosti, nez soucasne zamestnance techto spolecnosti, pripadne spolecnost jako takovou? Co je to vlastne korporace?
    - Proc lide verili vice studiim, kde se pise, ze cmoudici auta neskodi, nez studiim, kde se psalo ze skodi (ze by nikdo v garazi na otravu plynem neumrel, nebo ze by po tezbe ropy zustavaly rozmanity ekosystemy?)
    - Odkud se vzaly ty penize na investice ropnych spolecnosti?
    - A ty vedci, co psali cinkle studie, ti za nic nemuzou? Jejich moralni vina je nizsi, nez u ropnych spolecnosti? (jak je to v zakone s objednanim vs. vykonanim vrazdy?)
    - Studie o klimatu, ktere byly moralne v poradku cetli jen predstavitele ropnych spolecnosti, nebo byly pristupne vsem, vcetne statnich predstavitelu? Muze si sam kazdy za svuj nazor, nebo jsme jen obeti druhych, co maji penize?

    g) "Začaly se na projevy přehřívání planety samy připravovat a zabezpečovat svoji infrastrukturu. Nás ostatní ale nejenže nevarovaly — naopak. Investovaly miliardy dolarů do šíření dezinformací a lobbingu proti řešením."

    Takze meli rict, jasne, nas byznys skodi klimatu, pojdme to od zitra (pripadne pozdeji) zavrit? Premyslel autor nad scenari, co by se zitra delo bez ropy, nebo opet jen upozornuje, ze svet neni perfektni a jemu se to nelibi? Nesnazi dokazat svuj nazor, ktery radeji odsunul na zaver clanku, aby se nemusel drzet kontextu a neupozornil na to, ze on sam perfektni reseni na vsechno a hned take nema?

    h) "Zároveň ale i nadále dělají všechno pro zdržování klimatické politiky — a samozřejmě také pro její přizpůsobování svým zájmům. Nemají problém investovat i do řešení, jako jsou obnovitelné zdroje, vodík nebo biopaliva, ovšem v té míře, v jaké na nich mohou vydělat, nebo si zlepšit obraz. Užitečný je v tomto smyslu pohled do plánů Shellu: dál vydělávat v nezmenšené míře na fosilních palivech a současně těžit dotace na čisté technologie a využívat je pro propagační účely."

    Dalsi moralni hate... Ocekavame od firmy altruisticky pristup? Je prodelavajici firma dlouhodobe schopna sve existence? Melo by zajem velke mnozstvi motivovanych lidi pracovat ve firme, ktera neni schopna jim zajistit prijmy? Meli by investori zajem do nerentabilni spolecnosti investovat? Dela to z firmy neco "zleho", nebo to tak proste musi byt, aby to fungovalo? Jakou nabizi autor alternativu ke konceptu firmy a zajisteni zivota vetsiny lidi na zemi lidi od zitrka?

    i) "Tento kapitál má ve fosilních palivech uloženy ne miliardy, ale biliony dolarů, často v investicích s životností daleko přesahující rok 2030, kdy bychom podle IPCC potřebovali snížit emise téměř o polovinu, chceme-li zadržet oteplení pod limitem 1,5 stupně. Skutečně rychlá dekarbonizace by znamenala vzít většinu těchto peněz, a prostě je vymazat — krok, který má v dějinách paralelu snad jen v osvobození otroků během americké občanské války, a který by bez intervence vlád podle expertů vedl k finanční krizi."

    Dalsi brekot. Autor si stezuje, ze nechceme vzit cizi penize soukrome firmy a zachranit s nima lidstvo... uz chybi jen... jak ta zachrana vypada, kdyz nas technologie nezachrani, jak autor zminoval na zacatku textu? A kdo to odridi? Stat? Nebo nejakej startup? Co to udela se zbytkem trhu a s usporami lidi, pokud se zacnou znarodnovat privatni investice? Neni to tak, ze je vsichni stahnou z obehu pod polstar a spousta lidi nebude mit co jist, protoze smena vymizi a o jejich "praci" nebude zajem? Nevyvola to nejaky nepokoje / rioty / kradeze / vrazdy?

    Pokud to myslel tak, ze kdyz zkrachuji ropne spolecnosti, tak fondy jako Blackrock prijdou o penize, tak opet nerozumi trhum. Jdenak nemaji penize jen v rope, maji diverzifikovana portfolia, jednak transformace bude trvat a oni (fondy = penize beznych lidi, napr. na penze) ten kapital stihnou bez vetsich ztrat realokovat. To by ale opet muselo dojit na nejhorsi, kdybychom chteli soucasne firmy uplne zavrit. Oni uz se ale davno pojistili, napr. BP uz koupila 40% podil v nejvetsim planovanem hydrogen hubu na svete.

    Cimz vlastne zajistila budoucnost nas vsech, protoze ten kapital nebude nechat chtit padnout.

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

    atd. klidne to muzu rozebrat dal, ale predpokladam, ze nebude zajem.
    TADEAS --- ---

    We’re Not Going to Make it to 2050 | by umair haque | Jul, 2022 | Eudaimonia and Co

    Extinction — the Event we’re now entering — is going to be the single greatest occurrence in human history. We have never experienced anything remotely like it in the 300,000 years we’ve existed, because the last time it happened was 65 million years ago. Extinction will cleave time, shape politics, and define culture forevermore, after us. Our progeny will regard us the way we regard Stone Age people, or maybe medieval sorts — why didn’t they do anything, they’ll wonder? Why did they sit there glued to dumb Marvel Movies and debating pronouns and letting demagogues scapegoat and hate…while their planet died?

    What we are doing is inadequate. You don’t have to think too hard about it. Our civilization’s attempts to combat Extinction so far have resulted in…this. This dystopia we currently live in, where Europe’s on fire, inflation’s spiking, Covid never goes away, and all the rest of it. Our efforts are self-evidently inadequate. Things are this bad right now. Go ahead, and think about 2025. And shudder. Most of us can’t even imagine the world in 2030, or 2040. Will there even be one? What will be left of this thing we once called civilization?

    Vague goals to hit “net zero” by 2050 are like standing in the basement of a burning house, and agreeing to call the fire department in the morning.
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Hallam

    #Easter Monday.
    "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son"
    Don't get hung up on the God bit, we have to decide do we love humanity as much as God does or do we hate ourselves and each other so much we want to destroy creation?

    This is the core question of our time. If we choose the former our love can only mean #civilresistance - a love that will sacrifice anything and everything - as God sacrificed for us.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    After COP we’re all Eichmanns now
    Roger Hallam

    Complexity and Moral Collapse
    I recently did a talk for my patreon supporters on this subject and I thought it be good to do a post about it.
    There was a time, until quite recently, when there was a clear division between good and evil. If you wanted to murder someone you had limited choices. You generally needed a sharp object and you had to plunge it into another person several times. If you wanted to kill more people it would take a long time and even the most evil person could not kill people outside of his locality and certainly not those who were not yet born.
    Complexity has changed all that. Complexity refers to the increasing connections between actions and consequences across time and space. Complexity has been increasing exponentially for decades. When I was a kid the only veg we ever had was carrots and peas. Milk came from the local farm. Now just about everything comes from all over the world, and there’s so much more of it.
    The moral point is that today due to the ecological crisis you are murdering billions of people just by going to the supermarket. You only push the knife into them a tiny bit but millions of people are doing the same thing. And the result is mass death. We are in the process of going over 2C, and so as we go about our ordinary lives we lock in mass killing. 2C locks in 3C, and so on due to irreversible feedbacks, as Johan Rockstrom said at COP last month.
    This is how complexity creates moral collapse. The system makes you a murderer– you are all at it all of the time. This is what Hannah Arendt was referring to when she spoke about the banality of evil at the famous Adolf Eichmann trial in 1961. Eichmann was a key administrator of the holocaust but looked upon himself as just doing his job competently. Arendt was attacked when she used this phrase because people had the old pre complexity idea that killing is a self conscious physical act. A person stabs another person to death. In fact the Nazi death machine was a proto complex system – where thousands of ordinary people in a banal way organised the small parts cogs in a vast bureaucratic system of mass murder.
    That is what we have today.
    But this time it’s on a global scale and it will annihilate the whole of humanity. The banality of evil has become universal. We are entering into mass death and human extinction because everyone is just “doing their job”.
    As with Arendt in 1961, in 2021 lots of people will outraged by having this reality pointed out to them because they cannot accept they are murderers. They would not physically murder another person. But they absolutely are murderers in a banality of evil sense. And the moral point is that the outcome is the same. Billions of people will be subject to indescribable suffering because of your actions, combined with the actions of millions of other people, primarily in the Global North. The top 10% of the world’s population puts out 50% of global carbon emissions. That’s you.
    The real challenge is doing something effective about it. The climate movements are catastrophically unsuccessful because they pretend we can deal with complexity with more complexity. Campaigners use abstract repressed middle class language to try to stop mass killing. It obviously does not work because people and governments will not change in the drastic way required of them on the basis on detailed information and polite engagement. They are 100% going to fail because nothing they do or say creates any connection with reality. This is why twenty six COPs have failed. The last one in November reduced the increase in carbon emissions from a 16% to 13% by 2030 – when what is needed according to the IPCC is a 50% decrease. The whole approach is psychologically illiterate and morally catastrophic. It is a sick totally fucked joke.
    The only chance of creating the complete transformation we need in the next few years we have available is to recognise that most people most of the time cannot deal with complex abstract and technocratic arguments. We are not wired for complexity. It’s cognitively exhausting and we switch off.
    There are three things which cut through the noise:
    • A simple demand which is concrete and doable – you understand it in a sentence.
    • Disruption: day after day economic disruption of people’s lives – as we recently saw with the 17 motorway blocks of Insulate Britain.
    • The display of extreme emotion – shouting and screaming – like when you are in a relationship and your partner finally “gets through to you”.
    None of this is cognitive. None of it is about information. The demand, disruption, and emotion create a super concentrated proxy for dispersed mass murder you are involved in. It makes the complex system a simple system. I want to go to work – I can’t get to work. Someone is calling me a murderer and screaming at me – I hate that. You agree to the demand because you are hard wired to respond to such visceral stimulus. The banality of your evil is made real to you because it is now literally in your face.
    Of course this might not work, you might fail to create enough disruption with enough people as in the case of Insulate Britain– or you might go too far, as in “blowing up a pipeline”, and create an overreaction. Civil resistance aims at the nonviolent sweet spot between too little and too much. The critical and practical point is not that this might not be successful, but that conventional approach has zero chance of being successful – as shown by the last 30 years.
    It’s civil resistance or mass death in 2021. It’s resistance or complicity. After COP26 there is no middle way.
    The biggest barrier to success in 2021 is the climate movement itself because it is full of people whose privilege and power enable them to stay in the dream world of polite verbal persuasion and they work hard to stop effective approaches from happening. That is why Martin Luther King called white moderates worse than the Ku Kluk Klan. That is why the NGOs are far worse than Trump supporters. It is why we have to subject them to the same approach: demands, disruption and high emotion.
    There is nothing pretty about civil resistance. But as people are realising – we are going to get hurt anyway so we have nothing to lose. If the world is to saved it will be because people now get this truth. It’s finally starting to happen and the carbon death system will be torn apart in the next few years. Better late than never.
    Note if you doubt what I say here – think what stood out most in the text above – was it when I said “it’s a sick totally fucked joke”? Why was that?
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    SHEFIK --- ---
    #hate #civilization

    TADEAS: a driv nez ropny giganti uz nam zatapeli Maori

    Zjištění, za nímž stojí tým Joea McConella z BAS (British Antarctic Survey) a norských výzkumníků, je navázáno na odběr sond vrtaných od roku 2008 v ledu na východě Antarktidy. Analyzované vzorky ledu totiž vykazovaly nápadně zvýšenou koncentraci černého uhlíku, popílku/sazí, jež svou datací odpovídaly přibližně 13. století. Tedy době, kdy byly lidské aktivity považovány na jižní polokouli za minimální. Černý uhlík si přitom spojujeme s nedokonalým spalováním fosilních paliv a biomasy a jeho koncentrace ve vzorcích z polárního regionu Rossovy země rozhodně nebyla malá. Dosahovala měřítek, které vypovídaly o rozsáhlém ovlivnění atmosféry velké části jižní polokoule, jež silně překonávaly dosavadní předindustriální emise za předchozí 2000 let.

    Lidé ovlivňovali planetární atmosféru zásadním způsobem dávno před průmyslovou revolucí - Ekolist.cz
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Tak nemecka spolecnost Duesenfeld byla prvni ktera to mela opravdu dobre vyresene. Kromne plastovych casti a grafitu to maji vyresene. Tzn. vsechny kovy a kovove casti jdou plne recyklovat. Napr. : https://youtu.be/wxCFDWMPu38

    Obdobnou technologii ma i Volkswagen : https://youtu.be/Qi8Y2lF7Luw

    Ale jsou i firmy v Indii, Cine ktery s tim zacinaji. Zakladem vseho je ze se baterie kompletne vybijou (opravdu do mrte kdy uz dochazi k poskozeni) a ta energie se vyuzije (Duesenfeld) v provozu spolecnosti. Pak se pod dusikem ty baterie namelou, roztridi se heterogenni materialove kusy (strepy hliniku, ...) a pak prichazi hydrometalurgicky proces. Tzn. jednotlive kovy se prevedou na ve vode/vodnych roztokach/kyselinach rozpustne slouceniny (tam uz by nemel byt pritomen hlinik, ktery z hydrometalurgickeho procesu nejde elektrochemicky vyziskat zpet) a zde je to klicove know-how. Pak se chemicky a elektrochemicky dostavaji jednotlive kovy do separovene formy. Vystup jsou typicky uhlicitany, hydrogenuhlicitany danych kovu ve vysoke cistote. Vyteznost procesu je klidne 98%, tzn. materialove velmi setrne.

    Jestli nekde budes hate proti recyklaci a budou se uvadet technologie kdy se baterie tavi ve vysoke peci, vyziska se jen male mnozstvi kovu atp., tak to je technologie minuleho stoleti a nikdo to takhle delat nebude.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    LINKOS: Mas pravdu. Z tve strany to neni hate. A motosport ma nejake externality, ale jine sporty take a vyvoj, zaber plochy a zaber pudy, i prevozy materialu jsou i jinde.
    Clovek dela mnoho veci ktere maji sve dusledky a externality. Jsem proto to transformovat, adaptovat, poukazat na extremy a neadekvatni externality (muj oblibeny priklad - prodlouzeny vikend v Benatkach), ale ta porad tlacena predstava auta fuj, veprovy fuj, do prace na kole a vegansky granule - proste neberu.
    LINKOS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ja tedy nějaký hate zatím nepozoruju(na rozdíl od hatu na elektroauta), ale tím neříkám že není. U formulí bude palivo za samotný závod nejspíš úplně minimum emisí, výroba a vývoj nových modelů, jejich testování, bude mnohem větší část emisí. Nevím jestli ostatní sportovci mají flotilu letadel, kde musí přepravovat i spoustu techniky...
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    LINKOS: Ano, to mas asi pravdu. Ale to by platilo i pro jiny druh sportu. Tedy externality jako prelet souteznich teamu, vybaveni, transfery, hotely, externality v miste konani. Srovnatelne velke mistrovstvi treba v nejakem fyzickem sportu bude mit srovnatelne externality, ale hate se udela jen proti motosportu. A proto pouzivam ten primer mezi spalenym benzinem formuli a letem dopravniho letadla.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam