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    TRAGEDAnthem & Outriders - 3rd person GaaS klub

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    Zde NENÍ NEXTGEN klubik, tak si prosím osobni injektiva a výpady šetřete do něj. Díky.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    GANDHI --- ---
    BIMBAS: o neco lacinejc to maj na Epicu (koneckoncu je to unrealovina) - ale furt to bylo iirc nejakej 1300
    BIMBAS --- ---
    nevite kde nasát Outriders za lepsi peníz ? 60ojro se mi za to davat nechce
    GANDHI --- ---
    musim rict, ze po tom patchi mi to na solo beha perfektne

    TRAGED: jedinej problem, kterej mam s krytama je v okamziku, kdy jsou dva a vice blizko u sebe a ja bych se rad dostal rychle do freerunu a namisto toho se locknu na jinej kryt...ale to je spis o cviku, nicmene uzil jsem si diky tomu semtam pernou chvilku (nicmene furt mi prijde, ze funguje presne jaov division, jen bejt v krytu neznamena vzdycky mit 100 procentni cover):) A nevim jak v MP, ale kdyz se mi podari vycouvat prilis z areny, tak mi naskoci warning a timecount - nijak dlouhej ale vetsinou se to da poresit. Nicmene prijde mi to proste v zasade stejny jako kdyz te jinde (mineno v jiny hre) hra do areny zamkne a nemas sanci ji opustit. Tady, kdyby tam ten reset nebyl tak vstup do areny by sel snadno zneuzit jako bottleneck, Takze bych mozna spis uvital nejaky vyraznejsi vizualni zvyrazneni toho, kde jsou hranice
    TRAGED --- ---
    Ahoj! Hrajeme na EZ mode, ale i tak mame odvahu si stezovat na AI :-]

    Recenze Outriders » Vortex
    TRAGED --- ---

    Patch News:
    First Patch:

    EDIT - 09.04.2021 - 19:05 UTC

    A new patch for PC and PlayStation Platforms will be rolling out over the next few hours.

    We're a little bit delayed on the Xbox version of this patch, but the Xbox team are being incredibly supportive in helping us get it ready as soon as we can.

    We are hoping to have this patch ready for Xbox very soon and will update you the moment we have news.

    This is our first big patch for the main Outriders game.

    The deployment of this patch is currently scheduled for next week, as we are using this week to identify as many severe issues as possible, fix them and then thoroughly test the changes across all platforms. Submission through platform holders adds on a little bit of time as well, which is why we are not able to deploy this patch any earlier.

    We are doing our utmost to deliver you a stable patch as soon as possible and we are continually looking at ways to bring the patch release day earlier. This is why we are not yet committing to a patch release date, as we may still be able to release the patch before such a date.

    We will let you know as soon as we have a confirmed release schedule, so please do keep an eye on our social channels and in particular our Twitter.

    First Patch - Patch Notes:
    PC & Console Platforms:

    Once platforms have been updated to the same patch version, cross-play across platforms will become viable again

    EDIT: 09.04.21 - 19:05 UTC

    With the release of this patch, Crossplay between PlayStation and PC is now possible.

    Crossplay between Xbox and PC/PlayStation has been temporarily disabled until the Xbox patch has released.

    Crossplay between consoles and PC will be fully restored once the Xbox patch has gone live.

    Overall stability improvements for the matchmaking service

    Crash Fixes

    Will Fix a multiplayer crash that could result in client players having their inventory wiped

    Will fix the crash when completing the "A Bad Day" side quest.

    Will fix the crash that occurs in No Man's Land when your language is set to Spanish (Yes, we know. Video game code is a magical thing).

    Will fix crash on launch issues

    Will include many more "random" crash fixes

    We are confident that these fixes will address the majority of crashes reported, as there are only a handful of root causes but the crashes they generate appear in a number of places.

    Will fix the HUD disappearing in certain cases

    Will fix bugs that interfere with players re-spawning in multiplayer Expeditions

    Will fix bugs with players getting stuck on geometry (including when using Gravity Leap) or falling out of the world.

    Will change the default matchmaking setting from "Open" to "Closed".

    You will still be able to manually change this setting to "Open" through your game settings

    This change will prevent players from joining games where the host didn't intend to play in multiplayer. It will also cut down on AFK lobbies

    This will also help improve matchmaking times, as the queues will be less likely to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of constant matchmaking requests generated by "open" games.

    Many other minor fixes and improvements

    PC Specific:

    Will Fix a performance issue where GPU is not being fully utilized. This should help with stuttering and DX11/12 issues

    Additional fixes and changes are being worked upon to be delivered via our later follow up patch.

    BIMBAS --- ---
    GANDHI: Remnant je spis takovy Dark Souls se střelnyma zbraněma. Spis ty zbrane nestridas protoze je upgradujes. Je to zajimava hra, kdyz to prislo zdarma nekde na Epicu tak jsme to v Co-opu dost hrali. Jeste jsem tedy Outriders nehral, pouze je sleduju na Twichi, ale uplne bych to nesrovnaval. Outriders mi prijdou spis k GoW/Destiny.
    KORAL --- ---
    Celé je to k nalezení zde, je tam info i k balancování hry
    KORAL --- ---
    Ještě zajímavé info k technické části

    Tech-heavy insight:
    We managed to understand that many server calls were not being managed by RAM but were using an alternative data management method ("swap disk"), which is too slow for the flow of this amount of data. Once this data queued back too far, the service failed. Understanding why it was not using RAM was our key challenge and we worked with staff across multiple partners to troubleshoot this.
    We spent over two days and nights applying numerous changes and improvement attempts: we both doubled the database servers and vertically scaled them by approximately 50% (“scale-up and scale out”). We re-balanced user profiles and inventories to new servers. Subsequent to the scale-up and scale-out, we also increased disk IOPS on all servers by approximately 40%. We also increased the headroom on the database, multiplied the number of shards (not the Anomalous kind) and continued to do all we were able to in order to force data into RAM.

    Each of these steps helped us improve the resilience of the database when under extreme loads, but none of them were the "fix" we were looking for.

    At this moment in time we are still waiting for a final Root Cause Analysis (RCA) from our partners, but ultimately what really helped resolve the overloading issue was configuring our database cache cleaning, which was being run every 60 seconds. At this frequency the database cache cleaning operation demanded too many resources which in turn led to the above mentioned RAM issues and a snowball effect that resulted in the connectivity issues seen.

    We reconfigured the database cache cleanup operations to run more often with fewer resources, which in turn had the desired result of everything generally running at a very comfortable capacity.

    All of this has enabled the servers to recover and sustain significantly more concurrent user loads.
    KORAL --- ---

    Multiplayer Stability and Connection:
    Co-op and multiplayer sessions are a separate matter from solo play connectivity.
    Launching a multiplayer session, requires multiple different partners and services. For example, matchmaking and queuing are hosted by one service partner, while the peer-to-peer relay is handled by another. Other components are hosted by other partners. This is a normal setup for multiplayer games but is important to mention because when we attempt to track multiplayer or co-op issues, knowing exactly what issue appears at what point is vital.

    The upcoming patches should help alleviate crashes in multiplayer as well as improve stability and speed. Because of the complexity of the multiple systems involved, we will continue to improve and iterate upon these systems in order to deliver you a better multiplayer experience. In most cases, this can and has already been done via the backend without patching the game, but it is something we are keeping a close eye on.
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    Dali jsme tomu s Koralem cca 30 hodin (od té doby přidali nějaké bossy a další kousky). Já řval frustrací a vzteky v některých chvílích (ani ne tak kvůli chybám jako kvůli obtížnosti některých míst), takže taková klasika
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    GANDHI: dej si to, připrav se na umírání :) bylo to pěkné, rozumně krátký příběh (na střílečku), poměrně dobře udělané potvory, nepříjemně tuhý bossové, ve dvou to bylo super, solo spíš meh
    GANDHI --- ---
    btw. zjistil jsem, ze se mi furt vali v knihovne Remnant:From the Ashes. Urcite se tu najde nejakej harcovnik co hral oboji a dokazal by par slovy napsat nejaky srovnani:)
    KORAL --- ---
    Kdyby nebylo těch lagů, tak sem si tu hru náramně užil. I když je příběh lehce děravej, tak má spád a vtánul mě do sebe. Ale to lagování ve 3 lidech mě málem donutilo s tou hrou přestat, protože se to prostě nedalo.

    Když jsem hrál s Kidem duo, tak to občas zalagovalo, ale docela málo. Pak se k nám přidal kamarád ze Slovenska a tomu to lagovalo permanentně a mě začalo také. Takže to, že to nejede na jejich serverech je očividné ...
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    TRAGED: chová se to tak.
    GANDHI --- ---
    TRAGED: ale v zasade to odpovida tomu, co pisou llidi v commentech na Steamu
    TRAGED --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: To mi chcers rict, ze MP je v tom udelanej tak, ze se jednoho stane server, jen routovanej pres jejich servery? To se mi nejak nezda.
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    WRATA: netuším, jak je to solo, kromě toho, že s pyro jsem měl problémy tam, kde jsem je předtím s techno neměl, ale dva a tři lidi jsou obtížností dost podobní, ten hlavní rozdíl je v tom, že ve třech to dvěma brutálně laguje a ve dvou to laguje jenom jednomu a ne moc.
    WRATA --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: Angry Joe si stezoval ze ve trech lidech je to silene nevybalancovane oproti tomu kdyz jdes solo nebo duo
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    tak jo, cca po 40 hodinách dohráno story.
    - žádný nečekaný zvrat
    - v posledních možná dvaceti videích totálně rozsynchronizovaný zvuk
    - lagů jak nasráno, poslední boss díky tomu nešel zabít na 30/15, protože když člověka oneshotne neviditelný bordel a boss s každým dalším pokusem sype o jednu střílející chujovinu víc, nedá se to. Ani s full healing buildem, tankem a DD, které vydrží jak ženská.

    je tam vidět, že to vydávali kurva narychlo, celkem dlouho před tím, než měli - ta poslední cca třetina vypadá nedodělaně a komplet neotestovaně. A to, že to při loadu najednou udělá brutálně hlasitý zvuk, který skoro urve hlavu, jen tak, protože může, je třešnička na dortu.
    Jo a závěrečné titulky, stejně jako úvodní animace, nemají regulovaný zvuk, takže jedou na max. Asi aby na to lidi nekoukali. Viděli by, že tým víc šukal, než vyvíjel a testoval...
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    GANDHI: mně fascinuje, že to tam nechávají vyhnít a nemažou to po sobě...
    GANDHI --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: ono se to nastrada, kdyz ma jeden ten report kolem 300MB:p
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam