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    ztracené heslo?
    SALVATORCentrála pro rovnoměrnou distribuci mírně zajímavých faktů
    PABLITOS --- ---
    FRK_R23: Ano, vyloučit to nelze. Ale s největší pravděpodobností nikoli.
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Slovo „dvěmi“ je nespisovné, ač se analogicky často používá v oficiální češtině, a to vlivem slov jako třemi, čtyřmi, pěti..., které spisovné jsou. Správný tvar je slovo „dvěma“. Zatím.
    Slovo „prý“ pochází ze slova „praj“, resp. „prej“, které bývalo spisovné (samo „prej“ se vyvinulo ze špatné výslovnosti slova „praví“). Lidem připadalo, že slovo končící na -ej musí být nespisovné, analogie je tedy změnila na slovo „prý“.
    Slovo „zítra“ vzniklo podobně. Ze slov „za jitra (dalšího dne)“ se vyvinulo „zajtra“ a to Čechům neznělo dostatečně hodno statusu spisovnosti, proto to změnili na „zítra“.
    Proto říkám zatím. Je možné, že ještě za života našich dětí slovo „dvěmi“ zespisovní, a zanikne tak další případ našeho rudimentálního duálu.

    Luka LabraThor on Tumblr: Dvěmi.
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Podle https://www.worldshipping.org/
    Se každoročně na moři ztratí/utopí průměrně 1382 kontejnerů.
    GUMBA --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: Ono to tu bylo ne tak dávno, tak si to asi vesměs pamatujeme :)
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Tak se omlouvam. Zaroven, je krasne, ze tak rychle sem byl opraven, dekuji a jeste jednou sry za neumyslnou nepresnost
    STENNY --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: Mnoo... A taky je ten rozchod takový, jaký je, protože Sever vyhrál občanskou válku. Na Jihu byly tři různé rozchody. Takže to zřetězení je trochu méně přímé, než se jeví.
    Are U.S. Railroad Gauges Based on Roman Chariots? | Snopes.com
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Well, because that's the way they built them in England, and English engineers designed the first US railroads. Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the wagon tramways, and that's the gauge they used. So, why did 'they' use that gauge then? Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they had used for building wagons, which used that same wheel spacing. Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing? Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break more often on some of the old, long distance roads in England . You see, that's the spacing of the wheel ruts. So who built those old rutted roads? Imperial Rome built the first long distance roads in Europe (including England ) for their legions. Those roads have been used ever since. And what about the ruts in the roads? Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match or run the risk of destroying their wagon wheels. Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome , they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing. Therefore the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot. Bureaucracies live forever. So the next time you are handed a specification/procedure/process and wonder 'What horse's as came up with this?', you may be exactly right. Imperial Roman army chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses. (Two horses' ases.)  Now, the twist to the story: When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah . The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site. The railroad line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains, and the SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds. So, a major Space Shuttle design feature, of what is arguably the world's most advanced transportation system, was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's as. And you thought being a horse's as wasn't important? Ancient horse's as*es control almost everything.
    ILTU --- ---
    ATUARFIK: Děkuji, výrazně jsi mi zlepšil náladu :-)
    Mimozemšťan jebnutej do hlavy poklopem!
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    PABLITOS: Ale není to nemožné.
    SALVATOR --- ---
    IPPOKORNY: No co by si pomysleli? "Hele, čum, poklop. To musela bejt ale šlupka!"
    ATUARFIK --- ---
    PABLITOS: Zákon schválnosti naopak naznačuje, že ano. Představ si to - lidstvo se tady patlá se zlatou deskou, vybírá to nejlepší z historie a kultury a nakonec první setkání mimozemské civilizace s námi bude, že chudáka emzáka jebne do hlavy poklop.
    (I když, jak tak koukám na obsah zlaté desky, tak možná furt lepší než ten Stravinskij...)
    PABLITOS --- ---
    IPPOKORNY: Je nanejvýš naivní si myslet, že se nějací mimozemšťané s poklopem potkají...
    IPPOKORNY --- ---
    LORD_DE_SEIS: Takže by se mělo ve škole učit, že první umělé těleso zhotovené člověkem (poklop odlitý v USA ocelárně) opustilo s největší pravděpodobností Zemi 26. července 1957.
    Dnes se poklop, opět s největší pravděpodobností, již nachází mimo naši Sluneční soustavu jako nejvzdálenější umělé těleso zhotovené člověkem.
    Poklop "odstartoval" před sovětským Sputnikem a letěl Sluneční soustavou byl před sondami Voyager.

    Takže bude zajímavé, až se nějací mimozemšťané se s poklopem potkají, co si o poklopu pomyslí...
    PITRSK --- ---
    ERRTU: tyhle veci proziva vetsina lidi, takze v tomhle bohuzel nejsi vyjimka 0:-)
    ERRTU --- ---
    GREATDRAKE: ha! tak nejsem obycejny magor! setka, devitka a dvacitka maji jmena! jsem vyjmecny magor! juch :D
    NELLAS --- ---
    GREATDRAKE: Kam se hrabe na Saudka nebo na toho slovenského poslance/šéfa parlamentu :D
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Roberto de Niro má 7 dětí.
    Poslední ze narodilo loni, když bylo Robertovi 79.
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Špatně sdělitelné emoce a situace, které mnozí prožívají.

    1. Sonder
    The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.

    2. Opia
    The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.

    3. Monachopsis
    The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.

    4. Énouement
    The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.

    5. Vellichor
    The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.

    6. Rubatosis
    The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.

    7. Kenopsia
    The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.

    8. Mauerbauertraurigkeit
    The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.

    9. Jouska
    A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.

    10. Chrysalism
    The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.

    11. Vemödalen
    The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.

    12. Anecdoche
    A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening.

    13. Ellipsism
    A sadness that you’ll never be able to know how history will turn out.

    14. Kuebiko
    A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.

    15. Lachesism
    The desire to be struck by disaster – to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire.

    16. Exulansis
    The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.

    17. Adronitis
    Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.

    18. Rückkehrunruhe
    The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.

    19. Nodus Tollens
    The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.

    20. Onism
    The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.

    21. Liberosis
    The desire to care less about things.

    22. Altschmerz
    Weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had – the same boring flaws and anxieties that you’ve been gnawing on for years.

    23. Occhiolism
    The awareness of the smallness of your perspective
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