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    ztracené heslo?
    SALVATORCentrála pro rovnoměrnou distribuci mírně zajímavých faktů
    LORD_DE_SEIS --- ---
    QUANTI: nám tohle nikdo nikdy neukázal - jen tu klasickou abecedu a debilní mnemotechnické pomůcky jako "cílovníci"
    QUANTI --- ---
    LORD_DE_SEIS: Jj, pavouk, bez toho bych během svých skautských let byla v háji :))
    LORD_DE_SEIS --- ---
    Trochu jinej pohled na Morseovku....přijde mi to mnohem lepší než takovej ten stadardní model, kde je vypsaná abeceda a vedle toho porůznu tečky a čárky

    GLADILAF --- ---
    NELLAS: Ano, i to je zpusob jak vyjadrit, ze lepsi uz to asi nebude...
    NELLAS --- ---
    GLADILAF: Němčina už tě tehdy bavila na maximum? :P
    GLADILAF --- ---
    MATHES: Diky panovi M. Kaku jsem v tomhle dokonce i ja rozpoznal kosmologickou konstantu. Nekdy si rikam, jaky by to bylo, dat si znova osmiletej gympl. Myslim, ze fyzika, dejepis, zemepis a vlastne skoro vsechno snad krome nemciny by me bavilo vic nez tehdy...

    Kosmologická konstanta – Wikipedie
    MATHES --- ---
    Let me tell you how smart Einstein was.

    In one of his equations he put in a term that he later regretted putting it and he called it his greatest blunder he looked at his equations and his
    equation showed that the universe had to be either expanding or collapsing.

    No one had any idea that the universe, which is everything, would be doing anything.

    So he says: "This can't be right - let me put in this term". It's a legitimate mathematical term, but physically - what the hell are you doing Albert?!
    And he says this term will help stabilize it from collapse - and it's a pressure Force to push outward and that'll stabilize it.

    Later on Hubble discovered that in fact the universe was expanding and he didn't need the term, because he could have predicted, that the universe
    should be expanding or contracting. But he didn't. He put in this term.

    He said this is his biggest blunder.

    Now you know what Einstein's actual biggest blunder is? Saying that was his biggest blunder.

    Because in fact in 1998 we discovered a pressure in the universe pressing against gravity, that is exactly the term that he put in.

    That's badass Smart.

    -Neil deGrasse Tyson
    TAPINA --- ---
    RAINBOF: Stejně jako se lidem otevírá záložní, když nelze nebo nezvládnou otevřít hlavní.
    TRISSIE --- ---
    and now something completely different:
    když vyloučíte náboženské svátky, tak nejčastěji a nejmasivněji slavený svátek v celém světě je... den nezávislosti na Británii.

    Z 225 zemí světa:
    163 slaví den nezávislosti
    z toho 65* slaví nezávislosti na Velké Británii
    z toho 48 to má jako státní svátek.

    * 65 podle wiki, 62 podle Guinnesovy knihy rekordů, původ rozdílu se mi nechce zkoumat
    List of countries that have gained independence from the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
    Most countries to have gained independence from the same country | Guinness World Records
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    SPIKE411: Dokument

    Fur for the Future

    (potřebovali přesunout bobry z oblastí, kde se usidlovali lidi, a prý tak ti bobři měli menší úmrtnost, než kdyby je relokovali jiným způsobem)
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    Mně to nějak volnou asociací připomnělo, jak se po 2. světové válce na padácích shazovali bobři na Idaho. :)

    Beaver drop - Wikipedia

    How NASA Got Involved With Parachuting Beavers - Atlas Obscura
    Why beavers were parachuted into the Idaho wilderness 73 years ago
    TRISSIE --- ---
    a tady máte pár psích medailonků psích veteránů vylodění v Normandii:
    Para Dogs | ParaData
    (ti teda skákali v tandemu)
    TRISSIE --- ---
    ještě teda zdroj:
    Raining Dogs! U.S. Army Parachute Animals in World War II - Warfare History Network
    TRISSIE --- ---
    RAINBOF: automatika:

    The U.S. Army trained dogs for a number of tasks during World War II. From checking for mines to guarding prisoners of war, the dogs performed admirably, but a few special dogs actually earned jump wings. To solve the problem of providing assistance to downed airmen in isolated locations, the Army, with the help of its Canadian brothers, trained dogs to jump from planes and bring the fliers supplies, aiding them in their treks to safety. Based on the idea of the St. Bernard with a barrel of whiskey under its chin heading out into the snow to save stranded hikers, lighter Siberian Huskies replaced the St. Bernard, and K-rations and water replaced the barrel of whiskey.

    To prepare the dogs for their jump, soldiers would take the animals, with full packs, on 75-mile hikes to relax before their ordeal. Next, the dogs were suited with parachutes—sometimes with two dogs to a chute—and loaded aboard a transport plane. The plane flew to a desired height and target zone where the dogs were pushed out of the side door. The parachute, on a static line, automatically opened as the canines cleared the doorway. Once on the ground, they could deliver supplies and aid the stranded airman.
    HOWKING --- ---
    RAINBOF: A ti psi jen do čtyř. Víc neumí.
    RAINBOF --- ---
    HOWKING: a ti psi ?
    HOWKING --- ---
    RAINBOF: Napočítají do pěti a zatáhnou za šňůrku.
    NOXIUS --- ---
    TRISSIE: no ved ja nikde nehovorim že ne. Ale nazorne video zvolil LORD_DE_SEIS: troška ine než asi čakal no :D
    RAINBOF --- ---
    Jak ten padak otviraj ?
    TRISSIE --- ---
    TRISSIE: WW2, debilní ntb mi furt vypíná numlock.
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