SPACE YEAST: Today, March 17th, Spaceweather.com and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus are flying a Space Weather Buoy into the geomagnetic storm to measure the effect of the CME's impact on cosmic rays in the stratosphere. Along with radiation detectors and other sensors, the payload will carry some hitchhikers--brewer's and baker's yeast:
This picture shows packets of yeast flown to the edge of space last week. More of the microbes will fly today to experience the geomagnetic storm. During their ascent to the stratosphere, they will receive a dose of cosmic rays at least 40 times Earth-normal.
What can you do with Space Yeast? Bake space bread, brew space beer, or whip up any recipe that calls for yeast. Also, teachers and homeschoolers can conduct some cool classroom experiments.
If you would like a packet of space yeast, you can have one by making a donation of $49.95 to Earth to Sky Calculus. Every flown packet comes with a control packet that remained behind on Earth during the flight, so you can conduct a properly-controlled scientific experiment. All proceeds support student space weather research. Contact Dr. Tony Phillips to place your order.