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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    O problematice novy generace modelu, ktery naznacujou, ze by klimaticka senzitivita ke zdvojnasobeni co2 mohla byt vyrazne vyssi... autori se domnivaj, ze je to spis chyba v modelech

    The latest “CMIP6” generation of climate models includes a subset of “hot models” that point towards much greater warming than expected.
    These models have high climate sensitivity, a measure of how much the planet warms in response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations.
    Yet multiple lines of evidence based on observations and our understanding of planetary physics suggest we can confidently narrow the range of climate sensitivity and, crucially, give less weight to high-end estimates.
    The recent sixth assessment report (AR6) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reconciled these findings with the idea of “assessed global warming” – warming projections that combine model results with observational constraints.
    While giving a more realistic picture of future warming, this approach has created a problem for scientists wishing to study climate impacts and adaptation, particularly at local or regional scales, based on daily or monthly extremes, or on non-temperature variables such as rainfall.
    In a new comment in Nature, we propose a set of simple approaches to this problem so that studies on climate impacts and adaptation can avoid giving too much weight to “hot models”.

    Guest post: How climate scientists should handle ‘hot models’ - Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: kam se muzu podivat, abych videl zduvodneny to "second to"? aneb nuclear war, second only to climate change
    TUHO --- ---
    A tohle by se koneckoncu taky mohlo libit .]

    Second Only to Nuclear War: Science and the Making of Existential Threat in Global Climate Governance

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A koukam, ze uz mu vyslo neco i v Nature

    From carbon pricing to green industrial policy, economic ideas have shaped climate policy. Drawing on a new dataset of policy reports, we show how economic ideas influenced climate policy advice by major international organizations, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank, from 1990 to 2017. In the 1990s, the neoclassical notion of weak complementarity between environmental protection and growth dominated debates on sustainable development. In the mid-2000s, economic thought on the environment diversified, as the idea of strong complementarity between environmental protection and growth emerged in the green growth discourse. Adaptations of Schumpeterian and Keynesian economics identified investment in energy innovation and infrastructure as drivers of growth. We thus identify a major transformation from a neoclassical paradigm to a diversified policy discourse, suggesting that climate policy has entered a postparadigmatic period. The diversification of ideas broadened policy advice from market-based policy to green industrial policy, including deployment subsidies and regulation.

    The evolution of ideas in global climate policy | Nature Climate Change
    TUHO --- ---
    Koukam, ze Bentley Allan pracuje na novy knizce “Producing the Climate: Geopolitics and Geophysics in the History of Global Climate Governance.” a ma k tomu i nejaky novy texty v odbornejch casacich. Jeho prvotinu Scientific Cosmology and International Orders jsem zhltnul na jeden zatah a doporucuju vsem, ktery zajima vztah mezinarodni politiky a vyvoje zapadniho vedeni a metafyziky na plochach staleti. V podstate je to o tom, jak se z ancien regime vyloupla modernita a co to vsechno znamenalo.

    No a slibovanej clanek:

    The rise of green industrial policy has injected purpose and competition into global environmental politics. Efforts to build green industry have raised the economic and geopolitical stakes of environmental issues as states seek to position their firms in global value chains and reshore strategic industries. This could help to generate the technologies and political momentum needed to accelerate global decarbonization. At the same time, these green interventions confront status quo interests and a variety of industrial policies that support fossil fuel-based industries. To help make sense of this new landscape, this introduction to the special issue defines green industrial policy and situates it within domestic political economy, social policy, and global geopolitics. We present six new studies that demonstrate and explore the global politics of green industrial policy. To illustrate the kinds of effects and implications of green industrial policy we are interested in exploring, we show how green industrial policy has transformed climate politics. Changes in state practice, ideas about the environment and economy, and technological cost declines came together to produce a new opportunistic and competitive climate politics. We then identify areas for further investigation as we call for a new climate politics research agenda, integrating green industrial policy more intentionally into studies of global environmental politics.

    Green Industrial Policy and the Global Transformation of Climate Politics | Global Environmental Politics | MIT Press
    TUHO --- ---
    Reportaz Voxpotu o race to zero

    Obnovitelný kontinent: Bude Evropa bezuhlíková?
    TADEAS --- ---
    bad for them

    Možná jste si nevšimli, ale planeta hoří. Indie s Pákistánem zažívá peklo
    JIMIQ --- ---
    A 300GW slunce a 330GW vetru meli uz k 1.1.22
    Pomer je realisticky 133 (1430 vs 10,7, ono je to otazka kolik obyvatel Cina vlastne ma, protoze lzou :) )

    Takze 2,25GW FVE (to skoro mame), 2,5GW VTE (mame osminu) a z tech novejch 4,3GW a to nevidim ruzove
    Vlada rika 100 000 stresnich (pri 5-10kW/strecha je to 0,5-1GW)

    ALE… CEZ ma planovane projekty 6GW plus dalsi si instalujou firmy (Skoda, Lidl)

    A dotace na vitr jsou odhadem na 1GW v planu (je otazka co se z toho realne vybuduje)
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: To by byl peknej memik na omlacovani tem "ale co dela cina"
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: tak kdybych to bral proporcne k populaci (cca 1/150), tak by CR mela dodat za 5 let 3.8 GW wind/solar
    TUHO --- ---
    China is set to add at least 570 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar power in the 14th five-year plan (FYP) period (2021–25), more than doubling its installed capacity in just five years, if targets announced by the central and provincial governments are realised.

    Analysis: What do China's gigantic wind and solar bases mean for its climate goals? - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    Jozef Pecho
    47 min ·
    Ladislav Miko o pôdnom vesmíre a o tom, ako Príšerky s.r.o. krachujú! Odhaduje sa, že odkedy poľnohospodársky využívame pôdu v Európe sme stratili 40 až 60 % pôdneho uhlíka. A jeden z najviac ochudobnených regiónov je aj Podunajská nížina. Čím menej uhlíka v pôde budeme mať, tým väčšie sucho bude, pretože pôda s nízkym obsahom uhlíka absorbuje (zadržiava) vodu len minimálne alebo skoro vôbec. A je to aj jeden z dôvodov, prečo pri prívalových zrážkach (aké sme mali na Slovensku včera) dochádza k tak rýchlemu plošnému splachu (povrchovému odtoku s rýchlym eróznym účinkom).

    Ohrozený vesmír pod našimi nohami | Ladislav Miko | TEDxBratislava
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #sustainability #circular_economy

    Krize nas jeste hodne nauci :)

    Čipová krize si žádá zoufalé činy, firmy údajně dolují polovodiče z praček - iDNES.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: je to jejich chyba, že nemaj klimatizaci
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #win #local

    Konec pohádky o propojení tří moří. Plány na kanál Dunaj–Odra–Labe končí - iDNES.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Světu hrozí „vlhká žárovka.“ Měla dorazit až v polovině století, ale už je tu – VTM.cz
    JIMIQ --- ---
    pokud si chce někdo počíst co si myslí další lidi (ačkoliv biased, protože reddit :D ) o Smilovi

    Vaclav Smil was wrong about everything. : energy
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    JIMIQ: potenciál vodní elektřiny je takřka neomezenej, ale to bysme jí museli dostávat z moře, ne z řek
    JIMIQ --- ---
    a nechápejte mě špatně, já jsem velký fanoušek vodní elektřiny (já jsem ostatně i fanoušek jádra, o to jsem smutnější z toho kam se jádro dostalo), ale ten potenciál tam prostě už není a ty překážky ve formě vhodných toků a environmentalismu jsou dle mě zásadní
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam