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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: za me teda potrebujem obnovit pudni edafon, nejen dostat co2 do pudy.. vlivem mineralniho hnojeni a dalsima *cidam jsme temer vyvrazdili veskerej zivot v pude. A imho pokud tam nedostanes organickou hmotu, tak se tam bude tezko vracet i ten pudni zivot vcetne bakterii, hub a pak vyssich organismu.
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: a vliv honga tonga myslej zanedbatelna ohledne vodni pary nebo prachovech a sirnejch castic?

    Trochu strasidelny mi prijde o kus niz

    “Good News:” Climate models show a fast response to forcing changes, so steps to lower the Earth energy Imbalance (EEI) [such as Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM)] should result in a quick lowering of temperature.

    zvlast, kdyz predtim pisou, ze ten vliv moc studovanej neni (tweet 10/20)..
    TADEAS --- ---
    D Miller

    Global warming in 2010-2023 is 0.30°C/decade, 67% faster than 0.18°C/decade in 1970-2010. During that time, GHG forcing was steady, Sun’s energy didn’t change & volcano impact has been negligible (including Honga Tunga). What remains is aerosol forcing.
    TUHO --- ---
    Russia, one of the world's top emitters of greenhouse gases, is already feeling the impacts of climate change. But compared to Western countries, where concerns about the climate crisis are widespread, this topic is nearly invisible in Russian media, politics and education.

    In this episode, we decided to find out how Russian society views climate change and the factors that cause many Russians to ignore environmental issues. Climate activist Arshak Makichyan and climate scientist Alexei Kokorin join us to discuss.

    Why Is Climate Change Not on the Agenda in Russia? - The Moscow Times
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Ecocide in Gaza’: does scale of environmental destruction amount to a war crime? | Gaza | The Guardian
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: tam pak clovek musi litovat ty farmare, ze si uvedomujou lokalni situaci hur nez ten hedge fund nekde ze zamori..
    TUHO --- ---
    Trosku oldschool

    Nord Stream 2: Germany’s Faustian Bargain with Gazprom and Why it Matters for the Baltics - Foreign Policy Research Institute
    TUHO --- ---
    Germany is a case study — perhaps the case study — of a Western middle power which made a strategic bet on a full embrace of interdependence and globalization in the late 20th century: it outsourced its security to the U.S., its export-led growth to China, and its energy needs to Russia. It is now finding itself excruciatingly vulnerable in an early 21st century characterized by great power competition and an increasing weaponization of interdependence by allies and adversaries alike. The war in Ukraine, which touches on almost every one of Germany’s bilateral, regional, and global interests, only accentuates its exposure. That this horrific conflict is taking place in the region that was part of the “Bloodlands” (the term coined by Yale historian Timothy Snyder), where Hitler and (to a lesser degree) Stalin murdered tens of millions of people is lost on few of my fellow citizens.

    For much of the three decades after German reunification in 1990, Berlin saw Moscow (as well as Beijing) as a reliable strategic partner in a two-way bargain: Germany would import cheap energy, and export good governance in much the way that Eastern Europe had been transformed through entry into NATO and the EU. Ultimately, German policymakers hoped, this would transform not only these countries’ economies but also their political systems. And they believed — in an attempt to reconfigure West Germany’s Cold War Ostpolitik for a united Germany in the middle of Europe — that NATO and the European Union could and should be encompassed in a pan-European security architecture that included Russia.

    The Kremlin, for its part, saw Germany as a friend, a partner, and as a strategic bridgehead into Europe — not least because it was importing roughly a third of its oil and gas from Russia. What the Germans called their “modernization partnership” with Moscow made for excellent business for a while; but in every other way, it proved to be a failure. Economic integration turned out to be strictly downstream, while many German businesses got burned by corruption and organized crime; political reform remained elusive.

    Putin’s war and European energy security: A German perspective on decoupling from Russian fossil fuels | Brookings
    TUHO --- ---
    The purpose of the article is to present the evolution of the political agenda of the German Green Party (Die Grünen) between 1980 (establishment of the party, its first program manifesto – Das Bundesprogramm) and 2017 (recent German federal elections program – Zukunft Wird aus Mut Gemacht. Bundestagswahlprogramm). The research was conducted on the basis of the literature and the comparison of the two mentioned program manifestos. The hypothesis of the work is that the successes of the Greens in West Germany mainly result from the ideological, program, and strategic reorientation of the party that took place at the turn of 1980s and 1990s.

    German Green Party: the evolution of political agenda | Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Decarbonization efforts and sustainability transformations represent highly contested socio-political projects. Yet, they often encounter various forms of depoliticization. This article illuminates how a grand socio-ecological challenge like the energy transition gets depoliticized by an unusual suspect, namely Germany's Green Party. Based on a qualitative content analysis of Green Party programs, party conventions, and additional documents published between 1980 and 2021, this article traces how the Green Party has depoliticized the energy transition over time, emphasizing a shift from radical societal change to ecological modernization. The changing stance of the German Greens on the country's energy transition reflects more profound changes of a future society the party collectively envisions through their energy and climate change agenda. These changes result from a struggle between moderates advocating incremental political reforms and radicals aiming for more fundamental and systemic societal change. By merging sustainability transition research with science and technology studies, this article makes a twofold contribution: First, it proposes a conceptual framework to investigate social and political futures envisioned through energy and climate politics. Second, the article empirically demonstrates the long process of depoliticization for an unusual but critical case. Germany's Green Party has embraced a technocentric vision of the energy transition, thereby suppressing earlier notions of broader societal change, such as anti-capitalism and energy democracy. This article spells out implications for the wider field of energy and climate politics and concludes with suggestions for future research.
    TUHO --- ---
    Frontiers | How Greens turn gray: Green Party politics and the depoliticization of energy and climate change
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: ... but hedge funds will be ok .)

    Hedge funds have made major bets on the price of the commodity this year, with speculators gambling more than $8bn (£6.3bn) that prices would continue to rise, according to the Financial Times. But none of the money will make it to smallholder producers in west Africa, with Ghana and Ivory Coast having already sold this year’s crop through a cartel, leaving many farmers disgruntled

    Extortionate Easter eggs and shrinking sweets: fears grow of a ‘chocolate meltdown’ | Chocolate | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘People mustn’t feel meat is being taken away’: German hospitals serve planetary health diet | Food | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Macron calls proposed EU-Mercosur trade pact ‘very bad deal’ lacking strong climate commitments | Emmanuel Macron | The Guardian

    “There is nothing that takes into consideration the subject of biodiversity and climate – nothing,” Macron said. “Let’s forge a new deal in light of our goals and reality, a trade deal that is responsible on development, climate and biodiversity.”

    While Brazil has said it is ready to sign a deal, France has repeatedly expressed reservations and said its farmers have objected to the prospect that could allow in agricultural imports, notably beef, that do not meet strict EU standards.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Drilling Deeper 2024: Global Oil & Gas Extraction Tracker - Global Energy Monitor

    Globally last year, oil and gas producers sanctioned and discovered the equivalent of all the proven oil reserves in Europe. They aim to quadruple the amount sanctioned by the end of the decade, despite scientific consensus that any new field developments are incompatible with scenarios to limit temperature increases to 1.5°C, finds a new report from Global Energy Monitor.

    Data in the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker show at least 20 fields reached final investment decision in 2023, sanctioning the extraction of eight billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe). By the end of the decade, companies are aiming to sanction nearly four times that amount — 31.2 billion boe across 64 additional fields. In addition, 19 new fields containing roughly 7.7 boe were discovered in 2023.
    SEJDA --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: tak ji to vytiskni, anebo to namaluj na A4 a nalep to na plot z jeji strany.
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    RADIQAL: ... a pak ti rozjařená stará paní sousedka před očima kropí tou sračkou svoji zahrádku a ty jí říkáš "ale paní, víte, že ten raund-ap způsobuje rakovinu - prokazatelně?" - a ona na to, "jooo? tady to ale nikde nepíšou a ono to taky tak dobře funguje" a pokračuje v kropení ... aneb ze života v CHKO :D

    my si jako civilizace prostě zasloužíme dostat na zadek:)

    (Aniž bych jí to přál, tak vedlejším efektem jejích nemocí je i to, že na zušlechťování půdy glyfosátem už nemá sil ...)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    BREAKING: The Biden Administration will provide a $1.5 billion loan to restart a nuclear power plant in Michigan, which would be the first time a nuclear plant has been re-opened in the United States.

    Mohlo by být dobrý, ideálně jako trend :)
    Ale Michigan je swing státě tak asi jen psyop s nejistým vysledkem
    RADIQAL --- ---
    O půdě pozemské i té vnitřní (mikrobiom) mluví dobře dr Bush. Na cestě od mikrobuněčného výzkumu rakoviny až k průmyslovému využití glyfosfátů a jejich všudypřitomnost, vypráví krásný nový příběh, který má sílu proměňovat.

    GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: pricina a dusledek nejsou vzdy tak jednoznacny, jak by se mohlo zdat, nicmene s druhym odstavcem souhlasim, klimaticka otazka vyzaduje multidisciplinarni odpovedi ÷)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam