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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A background CEI:

    “Among the sponsors for the Game of Thrones-themed gala were groups that have long been aligned with fossil fuel interests, including the Charles Koch Institute and the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers. The fuel and petrochemical group, which lobbies for gasoline producers, pushed to weaken car fuel economy standards, one of the Obama administration’s landmark climate policies,” The New York Times reported.19
    The program included support from major corporations like Google and Amazon that, despite having made commitments to address climate change in their official public relations strategies, still support CEI. A Google representative said their support of the gala did not necessarily mean it supports climate denial. “We’ve been extremely clear that Google’s sponsorship doesn’t mean that we endorse that organization’s entire agenda,” said a spokesman. A spokeswoman for Amazon, said the company “may not agree with all of the positions of each organization,” but believed that its $15,000 contribution to the event “will help advance policy objectives aligned with our interests.” Sponsors listed below:20
    In a October, 2000 memo, Fred L. Smith thanked Ms. Maura Payne of RJ Reynolds Tobacco for “RJR‘s continued support” and adds “your personal involvement has meant a lot to our battles over the last 16 years.” The letter concludes, “I know you have contributed between $20,000 to $50,000 over the years.”31
    In an October, 1994 memo, Smith thanked Philip Morris for a contribution of $150,000. “Philip Morris’s contribution will enable CEI to expand our efforts in well-established areas as our Human Cost of Regulation program and other regulatory reform projects,” the memo read.32

    Competitive Enterprise Institute - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco z praci Competitive Enterprise Institutu - "They call it polution. We call it life"

    Global Warming - "Glaciers"
    KYARA --- ---
    TUHO: Kontext?koukat na nebe nestačí?
    TUHO --- ---
    Tentokrat z opacny strany barikady?

    Together with one of her Ph.D. supervisors, JCU marine biologist Philip Munday, Dixson pioneered research into the effects on fish of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which cause the oceans to acidify. In a series of studies published since 2009 they showed that acidification can disorient fish, lead them to swim toward chemical cues emitted by their predators, and affect their hearing and vision. Dixson’s later work focused on coral reef ecology, the subject of her Science paper.
    The whistleblowers, an international team of academic researchers in marine biology, had long questioned the very big effect sizes and unusually small variances in data reported by the pair. In a 2020 Nature paper, the whistleblowers reported they could not reproduce several of the claims in their own studies. Later that year, four of them decided to ask for a misconduct investigation into the work, as Science reported. They directed the request at three funding agencies that had backed studies by Munday and Dixson, including the U.S. National Institutes of Health and NSF, but those agencies apparently asked UD and Georgia Tech to investigate.
    In its undated draft report, UD’s 3-person investigative committee concludes Dixson simply did not have enough time to collect the vast amount of data described in the 2014 Science paper, co-
    authored with Georgia Tech marine ecologist Mark Hay. It purported to show that overfished, seaweed-covered reefs in Fiji fail to attract juvenile individuals of 15 fish and three coral species.

    Science | AAAS
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Radar Nexrad - aneb pokrocila technologie pouizivani klonovaciho razitka ve photoshopu :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: kontext bude klicovy ,) aneb neni spiknuti jako spiknuti
    TUHO --- ---
    KYARA: Pekny priklad, nejaky kontext k tomu? :))
    KYARA --- ---
    TUHO: Alatra jsou reptiliani…a ty druhy zase třeba drakoniani…a takhle pořad dokola… zadnej zachránce nedorazí, zachránci, jestli to správně chápu, bysme měli být my…
    KYARA --- ---
    Radar Nexrad… na aplikaci Windy jsou občas vidět hodně divný formace

    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: tak to je v pohodě :-) a napsané je to dobře
    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: uz to tak vypada
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: TOS psal ty?
    TUHO --- ---
    HRAFNAIN: Dik, to tema je tak siroky a rozprostira se po tolika ruznejch rovinach, ze to mam furt celkem problem uchopit (a stihnout vcas)
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    TUHO: TUHO: perfektni clanky, presne neco takoveho jsem mel na mysli pri vyplnovani toho dotazniku.

    myslim, ze je i skoda toho seskrtani na tretinu, nechal bych to klidne i delsi, nebo rozdelil do dalsich dilu, a posleze z cele serie udelal nejaky snadno pochopitelny "tldr; excerpt" pro laiky, nebo pro lidi liny cist delsi texty.

    ale pro me je to presne ta forma, kterou jsem hledal, diky
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: konspirační přístup, zahltit prostor, rozmělnit fakta, přesvědčit lidi, že pravda je někde uprostřed
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Takovej pravicovej boomer influencer .]
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: kdo je vavra?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jinak se mi libi, ze Vavrovi neprijde divna jedna vec. V jednom prispevku tvrdi, ze vec jako klima je tak slozity, ze se neda modelovat ani predvidat.
    Ve druhym prispevku tvrdi, ze pokud dodrzime Parizsky zavazky, nestane se NIC, NULA ANI HOVNO.
    Moje otazka potom je: kdyz je klima tak slozity, neda se modelovat ani predvidat, jak prisel na to, ze po snizeni emisi CO2 se stane NIC, NULA ANI HOVNO? :-o
    TUHO --- ---
    Protahovani exponencial po druhe... A k tomu Lomborg, ktery tvrdi, ze snizeni emisi nic nezmeni .))

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