Tak změníme téma. Z Okouna:
SUCZKER: Já sem teda hodím všechno, co jsem si vypsal. Vesměs 2. kapitola, pro kontext opíruju z originálu víc, takže kde to neuvádím, nejde mi o vynechávky:
IntenSecure had their wagons detailed every three shifts. They used this big specialty car wash off Colby; twenty coats of hand-rubbed Wet Honey Sienna (tj. twenty coats of hand-rubbed lacquer) and you didn't let it get too shabby. –
dvacet vrstev ručně nanášené Wet Honey Sienna a nevypadáte tak ošuntěle
He'd overheard one of them [architekt] explaining to the foreman that what they were doing was exposing the integrity of the material's passage through time. He thought that was probably bullshit, but he sort of liked the sound of it anyway; like what happened to old people on television.
jako to, co se dělo s lidmi, kteří byli dlouho v televizi.
wash all his unblock off. Rydell and his friends all wore this Australian stuff that came in serious colors, so you could see where you had and hadn't put it.
australskou věcičku v seriózních barvách
But Rydell was always glad to have him on shift, because he was as determinedly nonviolent a rentacop as you were likely to find. And he probably wasn't even crazy. Both of which were definite pluses for Rydell. As Hernandez was fond of pointing out, SoCal had stricter regulations for who could or couldn't be a hairdresser.
u security to byl ten nejmírumilovnější člověk, jaký by se dal najít. … A to Rydell bral jako dvě obrovská pozitiva. … měli v JiKalu při výběrovém řízení větší nároky i na holiče.
the rows of chromed nubs down the sides. Those had been meant to support electric crowd-control grids and were just chromed for looks. The riot-wagons in Knoxville had been electrified, but with this drip-system that kept them
wet, which was a lot nastier.
auta pořádkových služeb pod proudem, ale navíc s kropicím systémem, který je udržoval
vlhká. (konec odstavce, tady o vynechávku jde)
The Glocks were standard police issue, at least twenty years old, that IntenSecure bought by the truckload from PDs that could afford to upgrade to caseless ammunition.
Glocky byly standardní policejní záležitost (str. 14)
Then Sgt. Valdez went post-traumatic in stone bugfuck fashion, walking into a downtown tavern and clipping both kneecaps off a known pedophile
se Valdezová vytasila s posttraumatickým šokem jako vrata
Rydell's lawyer later argued that he was not only deaf at this point, hut in a state of sonically induced catalepsy. Turvey's invention was only a few decibels short of what you got with a SWAT stun-grenade. But Rydell couldn't remember. He couldn't remember shooting Kenneth Turvey in the head, either, or anything else at all until he woke up in the hospital. (… uběhne čtvrt roku, jiný zásah, podobně traumatický …) And that – he later recalled remembering, as he'd fought the wheel, slashing through a Japanese garden, across a patio, and through a membrane of armored glass that gave way like something in a dream – had been a lot like what he'd felt as he'd drawn his gun and pulled the trigger, emptying Kenneth Turvey's brain-pan, and most copiously, across a seemingly infinite expanse of white-primered wallboard that nobody had ever bothered to paint.
Později – když zápolil s volantem (…) – si vzpomněl, že to bylo hodně podobné tomu, co cítil, když
vintage Smith & Wesson handcuffs that someone had paid to have lovingly buffed and redone in black chrome
starobylých želízkách Smith & Wesson, které kdosi za horentní sumu nechal s láskou vyrobit v pečlivě naleštěném černém chrómu
A to nepočítám věci jako Aerospatiale gun-platforms - "zbraňové platformy Aerospatial "(s. 301).