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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    Hele knizka Tovarna na lzi - vyroba klimatickych dezinformaci byla zarazena do top 10 knih literatury faktu podle Deniku N .)

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: Hlasujte o nejdůležitějších literárních počinech

    O celkovym vitezi rozhodnou hlasy ctenarstva, tak kdybyste chteli podporit, tak muzete tu:

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: hlasování veřejnosti
    TUHO --- ---
    Fossil fuels improve air quality. Solar and wind energy are bad for the environment. Only 2% of climate scientists believe that humans and fossil fuels cause climate change.

    This is the misinformation that PragerU, a conservative digital media nonprofit, spread to more than 100 million people over the last 7 years on Facebook and YouTube, according to an analysis by Distilled.

    PragerU used Facebook and YouTube ads to get videos with false claims about climate change and clean energy in front of millions of people. Between 2018 and 2022, PragerU spent about $20 million on Facebook ads. The nonprofit spent $4.5 million on Google and YouTube ads in 2021 alone. Many of the videos they promoted contain misinformation that isn’t marked by either platform.

    How A Nonprofit Spread Climate Misinformation to 100 Million People
    TUHO --- ---
    Koho by zajimalo obsahlejsi archiv kravin siricich uhelnymi lobbisty Konec uhli / Nova energie kolem Budinskeho (ex ODS, exPPF, exCEZ, exSeveroceske doly, nyni Euracoal)

    tak zde .]]
    Nová energie - konec uhlí stížnost spolku - Dokumenty Google
    TUHO --- ---
    Z minuleho roku:

    A new study links majority of misinformation about the climate crisis to ten US-based and Russian-state media outlets, fueled by Facebook and Google.
    Ten publishers are responsible for more than two-thirds of digital climate change denial content on Facebook, a new study from the non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has found.

    The outlets, which the report labels the “Toxic Ten,” include several right-wing websites in the US, as well as Russian state media.

    They include far-right news site Breitbart; conservative news site Western Journal; conservative media outlet Newsmax; conservative think tank Heritage Foundation-founded Townhall Media; ExxonMobil-funded Media Research Center; conservative daily The Washington Times; conservative online magazine The Federalist; right-wing news site The Daily Wire; conservative news digest Patriot Post; and Russian state media outlets RT and Sputnik News.

    Ten ‘super polluter’ publishers behind 70 percent of climate denial
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A background CEI:

    “Among the sponsors for the Game of Thrones-themed gala were groups that have long been aligned with fossil fuel interests, including the Charles Koch Institute and the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers. The fuel and petrochemical group, which lobbies for gasoline producers, pushed to weaken car fuel economy standards, one of the Obama administration’s landmark climate policies,” The New York Times reported.19
    The program included support from major corporations like Google and Amazon that, despite having made commitments to address climate change in their official public relations strategies, still support CEI. A Google representative said their support of the gala did not necessarily mean it supports climate denial. “We’ve been extremely clear that Google’s sponsorship doesn’t mean that we endorse that organization’s entire agenda,” said a spokesman. A spokeswoman for Amazon, said the company “may not agree with all of the positions of each organization,” but believed that its $15,000 contribution to the event “will help advance policy objectives aligned with our interests.” Sponsors listed below:20
    In a October, 2000 memo, Fred L. Smith thanked Ms. Maura Payne of RJ Reynolds Tobacco for “RJR‘s continued support” and adds “your personal involvement has meant a lot to our battles over the last 16 years.” The letter concludes, “I know you have contributed between $20,000 to $50,000 over the years.”31
    In an October, 1994 memo, Smith thanked Philip Morris for a contribution of $150,000. “Philip Morris’s contribution will enable CEI to expand our efforts in well-established areas as our Human Cost of Regulation program and other regulatory reform projects,” the memo read.32

    Competitive Enterprise Institute - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    Kdybyste meli chvili, poprosil bych o vyplneni kratkeho dotazniku o klikma dezinformacich. DIk

    O čem se málo mluví v klimatických dezinformacích
    SLL_QUY --- ---
    Fossil fuel firms among biggest spenders on Google ads that look like search results | Google | The Guardian

    ExxonMobil, Shell, Aramco, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs were among the top-20 advertisers on the search terms, while a number of other fossil fuel producers and their financiers also placed ads.

    Jake Carbone, senior data analyst at InfluenceMap, said: “Google is letting groups with a vested interest in the continued use of fossil fuels pay to influence the resources people receive when they are trying to educate themselves.

    “The oil and gas sector has moved away from contesting the science of climate change and now instead seeks to influence public discussions about decarbonisation in its favour.”

    Oil major Shell’s ads – 153 were counted in total – appeared on 86% of searches for “net zero”. Many promoted its pledge to become a net zero company by 2050 and align itself with a 1.5C warming target.
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    we use massive language analysis to demonstrate that the rise of fact-free argumentation may perhaps be understood as part of a deeper change. After the year 1850, the use of sentiment-laden words in Google Books declined systematically, while the use of words associated with fact-based argumentation rose steadily. This pattern reversed in the 1980s, and this change accelerated around 2007, when across languages, the frequency of fact-related words dropped while emotion-laden language surged, a trend paralleled by a shift from collectivistic to individualistic language.

    The rise and fall of rationality in language | PNAS
    TUHO --- ---
    oui yeaaah

    Google zakáže od listopadu reklamy, které popírají klimatickou změnu. Od prosince i YouTube | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    Tech’s complicity in environmental destruction is not just limited to toxic manufacturing waste and a large carbon footprint. Companies also have a large influence on the climate crisis in the context of policy, the broader economy, and the flow of information. Reports in 2019 revealed that Google has made significant contributions to climate denialist groups, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which helped convince the Trump administration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement in 2017. Facebook has come under fire for lax action against climate change denial on their platform, where disinformation can easily spread without diligent fact-checking. Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have partnered with large oil companies to build machine learning tools that streamline oil production. In fact, the oil industry invested an estimated $1.75 billion in 2018 into machine learning tools, which is projected to grow to $4.01 billion by 2025.

    Our purpose in throwing light onto this destructive behavior is not simply to paint a bleak future. Through public pressure and the collective organizing of tech employees, there has been media coverage of some success in holding the tech industry responsible for their environmental destruction. In 2019, after the Amazon Employees for Climate Justice organization led a large walkout in support of the global climate strike, Amazon pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Similarly, in response to employee pressure, Google pledged to stop funding climate change deniers in 2020. Google also promised to rescind all future contracts with oil companies in response to a Greenpeace report about tech’s oil contracts

    The Hidden Cost of Digital Consumption
    TUHO --- ---
    Google prestava financovat klima-popiracsky organizace!
    (Jo a je to april)

    In lieu of our normal April Fools’ joke, today we’re getting serious. Over the past few weeks, the world has come to a halt, our healthcare systems have been overwhelmed, and countless people are experiencing food and housing insecurity. This crisis has caused Google to reflect on how critical it is to respond to another global emergency: climate change. Today, we would like to announce a small step in that direction: we will stop our funding of organizations that deny or work to block action on climate change, effective immediately.

    Today Google stops funding climate change deniers
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: google translate:
    For the temperature, Fig. 25 gives a north hemispherical mean and Fig. 26 a Greenland one
    Overview (ice drilling)
    Proč to Pokorný dělá? Podle mě ho za to někdo dobře platí. Nebo nenávidí ekology a nevadí mu lhát, aby zachránil kapitalismus. Určitě ví, co dělá. Nedovedu si představit vědce, který se podívá na data a dojde k závěru, že nás čeká doba ledová a je zbytečné panikařit.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: vysoka profesionalita, zdroj asi google potazmo nejakej dezinfo webicek
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