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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---

    In many countries, levels of public investment in the economy are higher than they have ever been outside of war time, but too much spending goes straight into the pockets of big private companies rather than being used to help people & planet.

    – Jeremy Corbyn MP

    A radical #greennewdeal is the only way to stop climate catastrophe – Jeremy Corbyn exclusive on #Cop26 | MR Online
    TUHO --- ---

    Little over a decade ago, China was strongly arguing against reducing the emissions being caused by its booming, coal-fuelled economic growth. Instead, it said rich, developed nations should be leading the way.
    Speaking to a diverse range of experts within China and beyond, Carbon Brief has learned that Xi has personally played “the most important role” in this shift in views.
    Below, Carbon Brief describes nine key moments over the past two decades that have helped to influence China’s attitudinal change.
    These moments – many of which have not been widely reported before – do not include the more obvious important incidents, such as Xi becoming China’s leader in 2012, or China ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2016.

    Analysis: Nine key moments that changed China’s mind about climate change - Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---
    modlit se za klima

    COP26: Why The UN Climate Conference Matters Like Never Before


    “The message to take to Glasgow is that the science has never been so clear: that every tenth of a degree matters, and that 1.5 is for real,” explains Johan Rockström, professor and director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.

    “At 1.5 degrees we're telling our kids that we, the adults who are in charge of Earth now, are handing over the planet in a less liveable state for all future generations,” he adds.

    Rockström delivers these words calmly, in measured tones. As one of the most influential climate scientists working today, he isn’t a man readily inclined to dramatic turns of phrase. So when he talks like this, the effect is alarming.

    “That’s where we are,” he continues. “That’s why we talk about a climate emergency. I mean, academics don't like those kinds of words, but we are forced to use them today because now it's a crunch moment.”

    Rockström points to the UN’s latest synthesis report, released September 17, which indicates that, with all countries’ current climate commitments taken into account, the world is currently on a trajectory to warm by 2.7 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

    “I barely even want to talk about 2.7 degrees,” Rockström says. “If we go beyond 2 degrees it’s very likely that we have caused so many tipping points that you have probably added another degree just through self-reinforcing changes. And that’s without even talking about extreme events.”

    His frustration is palpable as he sums up the situation: “It is a very special moment in time. We have 30-plus years of scientific advancements; 150 years of unsustainable pressures rising; and we've come to this point now where we can prove that we've basically saturated the system. There's no more room to maneuver, which means the only way out is 100% sustainability.”
    TADEAS --- ---

    Gail Whiteman

    As background, here is the paper that published in June on the feasibility of various pathways including the Shell Sky scenario.

    All options, not silver bullets, needed to limit global warming to 1.5 °C: a scenario appraisal - IOPscience

    And the accompanying op Ed that Johan and I wrote:

    Shell’s net zero plan will be judged on science, not spin
    TADEAS --- ---
    J Rockstrom

    #ProductionGap report shows that governments’ production plans and projections would lead to:

    ⚫️ 240% more coal
    🛢57% more oil
    🔥 71% more gas

    in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

    2021 Home - Production Gap
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: :)) rockstrom v shell

    Inside, @jrockstrom, my hero, took the mic and addressed van Beurden and Shell's "science"..
    "Your negative emissions scenario is not plausible" he said.
    So yeah, we had the the legit director of @PIK_Climate calling out @Shell's manipulations. Glorious

    TADEAS --- ---

    Alexandria Villaseñor

    I'm gonna recap what happened when the largest speaking organization in the world, invited the CEO of @Shell to speak at their flagship climate conference

    In addition to platforming the CEO of the 2nd largest fossil fuel company on the planet, @TEDCountdown put local @Fridays4future, @GNDRising and @StopCambo youth activist, Lauren MacDonald, on the stage with him

    first, and he did what we expected, he called out consumers demand for oil as the problem, said oil needs to "fund" the transition to renewable energy, and ignored Shell's role in decades of climate disinformation and anti-climate lobbying


    when van Beurden wouldn't agree to end Shell's appeal of the Dutch court's ruling, which demands they reduce emissions by 45% by 2030 - which is what the SCIENCE SAYS MUST HAPPEN - Lauren was done. She stood up, took off her mic, and walked out


    Outside, Lauren joined a huge protest led by @StopCambo, amplifying Shell's misdeeds, decrying the platform given to van Beurden and RE-PLATFORMING those most affected by the climate crisis. @NomikiKonst has a great thread on the protest here

    Shell CEO Roasted at TED Countdown Climate Conference
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sucho začíná tam, kde končí život v půdě
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Microplastics May Be Cooling—and Heating—Earth’s Climate | WIRED

    The good news is that microplastics may be reflecting a tiny bit of the sun’s energy back into space, which would actually cool the climate ever so slightly. The bad news is that humanity is loading the environment with so much microplastic (ocean sediment samples show that concentrations have been doubling every 15 years since the 1940s), and the particles themselves are so varied, that it’s hard to know how the pollutant will ultimately influence the climate. At some point they may end up heating the planet.
    TUHO --- ---
    //Btw nemate nekdo nejakej dobrej clanek o vyvoji cen energii v dlouhodobejsim horizontu? Dejme tomu 30-40 let? Dik
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: titulek je

    Why fossil fuel subsidies are so hard to kill
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02847-2

    Some analysts argue that the hidden costs of fossil fuels — such as their impacts on air pollution and global warming — are, in effect, a kind of subsidy, because polluters are not paying for the damage they cause. Last month, the International Monetary Fund calculated3 total fossil-fuel subsidies in 2020 at $5.9 trillion, or almost 7% of global gross domestic product (GDP), largely as a result of these external costs. But some disagree with this approach. “The damage caused by fossil fuels is massive, but I would not call it a subsidy,” says Johannes Urpelainen, who specializes in energy policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington DC.


    Some countries don’t agree that they have any subsidies to remove. The UK government, for example, says it has none, although the IISD rates it as among the worst of the OECD-member nations, calculating that it gave $16 billion a year to support fossil fuels in 2017–19, on average


    Cim dal vic lidi dokaze prokouknout tak akorat tezko rict co

    JINDRICH --- ---
    Sociologický ústav Akademie věd ČR
    Jsme rozděleni klimatem? O sociálních souvislostech environmentální krize před časem na Ekologických dnech Olomouc 2021 debatovala naše sociální antropoložka Lucie Trlifajová, kulturolog a sociolog životního prostředí Jan Vávra a sociolog Daniel Prokop.
    Debatu, kterou uspořádal Salon Práva, si můžete pustit ze záznamu či se pustit do jejího úplného přepisu

    Jsme rozděleni klimatem? Debata o společenských aspektech klimatické změny | Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

    Dalšími environmentálními tématy se budou v příštím týdnu zabývat účastníci a účastnice workshopu Pro les nevidíme stromy?, mezi nimiž se objeví také Jan Vávra nebo socioložka Jana Stachová.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Energie zdražuje dovoz plynu, stát má pomoct lidem, kterým skokově vyrostou náklady
    Konkrétně se od ledna do září 2021 změny projevily tak, že emisní povolenky prodražily elektřinu vyrobenou z plynu o 10 EUR/MWh, zatímco rostoucí cena dovozového plynu o 90 EUR/MWh (zdroj zde, strana 2 dole).
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    "fosilní lobby, utrpěla v uplynulých letech těžké ztráty: například celosvětová kampaň za stažení investic z fosilního průmyslu vedla k tomu, že fosilní průmysl už si nesáhne na fondy a portfolia v celkové hodnotě patnácti bilionů dolarů. Prakticky žádná fosilní infrastruktura už nevzniká bez veřejného odporu. Čím dál víc lidí dokáže prokouknout falešné snahy fosilního průmyslu natírat se nazeleno."
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam